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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. its kinda sad how he shows a osbot post from 2015 and the guys commenting on it are banned (or exstaff) now sad to see that so many people end up scamquitting or doing other stupid shit
  2. and you dont even link the video? cmon dude
  3. pretty sure there is a bug that some people cant see the chat in the trade window
  4. kill monsters and loot their drops
  5. you realise that you are making the rankings? dont you consider the conflict of interests? I want a fair unbiased ranking of shitposts.
  6. I expected high quality discussion about things that are offtopic (aka not about botting)
  7. why is there so much spam going on atm?
  8. you realistically wont get banned if you use it in a way that you coudl do the same with windowsmousekeys. But they can still ban you at any time and you are fucked because you used ahk. Basically if you do more than relative mousemovements or mapping your left and rightclick to keys you are risking a ban
  9. i like how having new items (ornamented godswords) ends up breaking the normal godswords
  10. rip germany starting good then losing important players, doing retarded mistakes leading to both of the goals for france and then playing like shit and not achieving anything offensive in the end solid play by france but honestly mostly just germany losing
  11. sounds very suspicious to me that you want to do something that requires next to no effort for you to farm feedback. Feedback is supposed to show that your service is good and that you are trustworthy. I just dont get what you expect to get from it in the future if you wanna for example open a firecape service or something and you have 100 feedback from botting yewtrees in f2p for others. That would give noone a reason to trust your f cape service unless they dont know you and expect that you got that feedback for doing f capes. tldr
  12. buy sponsor from the store
  13. they are the 2nd best pure build if you wanna join a pure clan. the only better build for pure clanning is the famous 39def pure
  14. ez11

    3 99's in 1 month

    legit or botted? wups anyways hf
  15. uhm i think one of the ccs is ba services. just join them and ask usually they are advertising on the ba world
  16. you can always just leech a torso for 12m in like an hour so you shouldnt pay much more than that for someone to do it for you
  17. Dat GoT outfit examine test of the items are in the chat (cape, body,legs,gloves,boots)
  18. next time just google "07 wiki whatyouwanttoknow" 99% of the time it has the answer if its about an item, quest or clue
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