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Everything posted by Zulrah

  1. Accounts with all Stealth Quester stats done except the Ava's Accumulator one. Stats: 70 attack 70 strength 70 defence 36 Woodcutting 31 Crafting 5 Fletching 20 Mining 20 Smithing 21 Firemaking 41 Cooking 10 Fishing 25 Thieving How much are these worth? Will have ~11 days of membership left. Thanks in advance. Edit: how much do mithril gloves add to the price?
  2. Way more than 20m indeed. Is there a lot of demand for these type of accounts?
  3. Zulrah

    Stealth Quester

    Big Chompy Bird hunting.
  4. Could I have a trial please?
  5. Zulrah


    Was a joke lol, ban rate is really high with public scripts right now, due to mod weath being back.
  6. Hello, I've got an almost zulrah-ready account, but got banned a few days ago for 2 days. Stats: https://gyazo.com/41fa33f6c113b558a8f51f55c0204028 Quests: https://gyazo.com/07f2d0160d2e96911f6a86b5ebcfa6a5 Account status: https://gyazo.com/785ad5976337ec11585f998f2c2b15b8 Account has got ava's accumulator and zamorak book, no void or anything. Got access to woodcutting guild. How much is this account worth? Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks, great update. When will you support saving/loading?
  8. Zulrah


    Welcome, you are starting at just the right time.
  9. Thats a decent amount, hoping that the weekend will be better.
  10. Yep, got a ban, but it had a 2 day ban already so it was monitored probably.
  11. I made big tasks: woodcutting lvl 1-15 trees at draynor. 15-30 at varrock. 30-36 willow draynor, then mining, fishing, cooking, crafting, firemaking, fletching and thieving. Another task was fishing 1-10 at lumbridge swamp, on another account for testing. Need to lvl those stats on all my accounts for Stealth Quester and using a script per skill is really time consuming. Script idled once at lvl 11 woodcutting, and at lvl 23 aswell after a full inventory. The fishing account idled at lvl 2 when the fishing spot was empty and at lvl 6, when I lvl'd. Script doesn't resume after having it paused btw.
  12. It still keeps getting idled. I cannot use it for more than half an hour, it's always idling then.
  13. Zulrah

    Explv's Walker

    It works for me, have you stopped and restarted the script?
  14. Zulrah

    Stealth Quester

    Yes, 3 hours atleast.
  15. Zulrah

    Stealth Quester

    Couldnt have been stuck for more than 5 minutes, as I saw it working well 5 minutes before it got banned. In 2 days I'll know due to which quest it was banned. Ran all the quests btw. Must've been unlucky this time, have not been banned with this script on other accounts.
  16. Zulrah

    Stealth Quester

    Great script. Got banned though on my Zulrah account when running this
  17. Have you got paid or free Socks proxies?
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