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  1. frajelly

    Stealth Quester

    ETA on ironman script?
  2. Trial please :). Liked post.
  3. frajelly

    Stealth Quester

    As an ironman, can i make the script do the quests if the items are in my inventory? Without it running to g.e?
  4. frajelly

    Stealth Quester

    Would love that ironman mode. Plus possibly add graceful to the items list.
  5. frajelly

    Stealth Quester

    When you add it back to the SDN can you make an ironman mode? One that doesn't go to the g.e but knows you have the items.
  6. I vouch for this guy. Desert treasure quest line done and monkey madness 1 done. Good guy, responds fast and +1
  7. - Did you add me on Skype or send me a PM? yes - What is the requested service? the digsite, tourist trap, temple of ikov, troll stronghold, desert treasure and mm1 - Do you agree to the TOS? yes
  8. Buying 60 or 75 attack 1 defence pure. Trusted users only please.
  9. Does anyone offer castle wars services? If so, post below.
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