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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure - trial activated!
  2. Both trials activated -Apa
  3. Sure, trial activated -Apa
  4. Both trials activated -Apa
  5. Glad to hear! Not sure what went on there, but glad it's resolved -Apa
  6. Thanks for letting me know. I've just started the script up for a test run and everything is working smoothly on my end. Is there anything displayed in the console logger for you? Best, Apa
  7. Ah, I'm sorry I didn't get to you in time! I hope the script lives up to expectations. -Apa
  8. Are you still seeing this issue? -Apa
  9. Of course - trial activated -Apa
  10. Hey Patrick, unfortunately I don't have a script by that name, -Apa Sure, trial activated -Apa
  11. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  12. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Unfortunately the mining guild is not supported, but I've made a note to add this as a feature request. Thanks! -Apa
  13. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  14. Hey, It looks like the trial request didn't go through as you had a trial with expiry timestamp 2022-12-02 16:44:48. As this was over a year ago, I've started a fresh trial on your account, let me know if you run into any issues! -Apa
  15. All trials activated - thanks for stopping by!
  16. Sure - trial started! -Apa
  17. Both trials activated! -Apa
  18. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Sure - trial activated. -Apa
  19. Hey, The ability to manually specify a house is on my to-do list. When I get a chance to work on this script, I'll add it in. -Apa
  20. Both trials activated! -Apa
  21. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  22. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  23. Trial activated! -Apa
  24. Both trials activated -Apa
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