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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. l0l kunt snitchbag suckup scrub wants playermod douchebag who even bots rune store anyway ;p
  2. You should now have a 24h trial. Enjoy!
  3. Soo I've tried about 60 times now, and managed to kill him 3 times. I've got 78 rng and 75 mage and 79 hp so its harder for me, but it normalyl takes me 2 rotations to get the kill + a bit of luck. Unfortunately I only know 1 rotation off by heart(ish), so for those 3 kills i was lucky enough to get that rotation twice in a row x) But ye, am curious as well cause i've tried so much and still no hope. Apaec
  4. Yes, it seems In another script I wrote it doesnt seem to be working either. I'll inform the devs when I get back. apa
  5. Sorry mate, the script doesn't support cannons. Apa Well, it's an issue with the mirror client itself for a start, as it's still in beta not everything is working. I suggest running the script without worldhopping for now, until the devs get round to fixing this error. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do but wait until the devs fix it as when the client goes red / is logged out, I have no control over what happens. Apaec
  6. Sure, have enabled a 24h trial on your account. Enjoy! Apaec
  7. Have given you a 24h trial. Enjoy!
  8. You know about loops and arrays, thats more than I knew when I started. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ For coding scripts, it's often quite hard when you start to relate your java knowledge in the osbot context. In that tutorial I use a state-based framework. Just take advantage of the framework to experiment with your own methods and code and i'm sure you'll be able to figure it out apaec
  9. Coin coin = new Coin(); coin.toss(); if (coin.isHeads() || coin.isTails()) System.out.println(":doge:");
  10. Have given you a 24h trial. Enjoy!
  11. Apaec


    Poorly maintained scripts should not be premium What's wrong with having a script which is easy to code as a premium one? the fact that it is premium guarentees the userbase is lower and the script is well maintained. This cannot be said for free scripts
  12. Apaec


    Why is it a pity?
  13. Apaec


    You can do this ^ but it wont sell very well unless the free one is broken/bad But you cannot release a free version of a premium script.
  14. Apaec


  15. I'll take a look and see what I can do.
  16. wtf is that? can you give me more details? xd Like the exact name, if theres anything extra that needs to happen etc? apaec
  17. These montage parodies are great, steamsalegabe made me lol
  18. 600 spears dry doing this legit goml
  19. Hey, Can't seem to access the link? sorry for late post btw xd Apaec
  20. It's probably trying to special attack with a weapon you cant special attack with. Make sure you disable special attack in the gui before starting the script if your weapon doesnt have a spec. Also, I shouldnt have to do anything to make it mirror compatible, it should already work on the mirror client as the API for both is the shared. If you havent configured something wrong in the GUI, then it's probably an error with the mirror client itself.
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