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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. @Botre only second? dissapointed.
  2. if (!myPosition().equals(new Position(x,y,z))) { //blah }
  3. Ye, this i believe is an error with the client in which the previous running instance of the script is not closed properly before a new instance is started. So yes, rebooting the client is necessary. To prevent this, wait a few seconds between stopping the script and starting it again, otherwise you will need to reboot the client. There's nothing I can do about this one!
  4. Will try and push a fix today.
  5. This has been an error for some time now and I'm looking to make a few changes to how banking works. this shouldn't be an issue but I think there must be some inconsistency in the client code as it seems to miss the object model frequently. It should sort itself out eventually tho. apa
  6. np, let me know if you need longer to decide Apa APA ROCK CRABS - GUI CONFIGURATION INFO: GUI = Graphic user interface (the screen which pops up when you start the bot) Paint = onscreen graphics overlay (eg white drawn squares when fighting crabs, drawn on path, and the exp tracker). Save buttonWhen the script is started for the first time, it will load the GUI with the default options. Whenever you press the save button, the current format of your GUI is saved to a local file on your computer. When you next start up the script, this local file will be read and your settings will be the same as the last time you saved it. Start buttonOnce the settings are filled out, when you press the start button, the script will begin. The GUI will close when you press start, and you will not be able to change the configuration of the script while it is running.
  7. Sure, have given you a 24h trial. Enjoy!
  8. Delete all the scripts in your local folder (or move them out), then put only the ones you need currently inside it. Then try.
  9. The food is chosen from a dropdown list so spelling/case cannot be an issue! Apa
  10. Sure thing ! you now have a 24h trial. Enjoy! Apa
  11. Dw lads he's only the creator of the game
  12. Thanks for the kind words! Feel free to leave a store review if you have a spair second. Would really appreciate that )) http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/373-apa-rock-crabs/ Apaec
  13. You now have a 24h trial. Enjoy! Apaec
  14. the problemo is most likely with the style of code, where it fails to do one step and the rest of it is redundant. Try using a statemachine system which allows you to work on 1 step at a time and if it fails it allows you to retry. This may well fix your problem. More details on the state based system can be found here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ PS Don't use while loops without a timeout (if at all!) these can cause it to get stuck. Apaec
  15. I will push it when I get the chance. It will have a fix for being upstairs in the bank, a tweak to the teleport failsafe as someone reported it got stuck near the cave, and that's about it. Maybe a couple of other bug fixes If I see them. apaec
  16. You now have a 24h trial. Enjoy! Apaec
  17. My coc is pretty big atm, - 1200~ trophy average ( i farm or w/e its called) - Maxed TH8 - Interested - Reasonably active altho i'd opt out of wars
  18. If there are no interface ids then you'd probably need to use colourpicker to read a pixel value on the screen. For example the world selectionez screen has a black background. If you read a group of pixels around the bottom left corner for example, then if they are all black (0,0,0) exactly, then you can determine that you're on the world selection screen. Apa
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