i'm happy to sort this out, this issue wasn't present earlier this week as I cooked about 15k fish with it flawlessly, so please be patient!
Are there any errors logged in the console (logger)? Hopefully this will help me narrow the issue down so it doesn't happen again
This script does not do any automation other than the eating feature, sorry! (It will not keep your character logged in). If you want to stay logged in, set up an autoclicker or something to click in your inventory
Sometimes payments take a little while to process. I've given you a 24h trial of my AIO Smither script which you can use while you wait for the payment to go through!
That was back in 2013, and unfortunately they was the OSBot 1 version. We're now on OSBot 2 which means an entirely new script. However, seeing as pseudo rockcrabs still exists, you might be able to get a copy of it. Send a PM to @Maldesto.
Feel free to pm me any questions.
For pathwalking, use a script (such as divine utility) or your own custom one to record a path (simply an array of positions:
Position[] path = new Position[] {}...
Then you can traverse that path using localWalker
eg localWalker.walkPath(path);
Or you can use WalkingEvent - check the API for that
contact the scripters through their designated trial threads and give the scripts a shot. It's up to you to decide which one is best for your needs!
I hope it all sorts itself out soon. I myself live in cambridge which is luckily reasonably flat high ground, but there's still been a few floods nearby. Nothing to that extent though!
good luck