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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. This script is one time payment no monthly fee and you can use it on as many tabs as you like. If you want a trial, follow the instructions on the front page of this thread ~apa Hey. I'm sorry to hear that, however what would you prefer it would do in this situation? I mean, bones take less than a second to spawn so this can't really cut gp rates significantly? ~apa
  2. I'm sorry to hear that, but if you botted for a whole day I can't say i'm suprised! Also, in future you may find it worthwhile to invest in the mirror client - this really helps cut down the ban rates ~apa
  3. You should have been more cautious in your botting, using generous breaks and investing in mirror client
  4. Yes, I meant the logger:) thank you very much for the fantastic report. The screenshots were exactly what I was looking for. I've gone ahead and fixed both issues as I believe I found and tested the problem in both cases. Luckily it was not a pathing issue I've extended your trial for an additional 48 hours to compensate for the issues you've experienced. Update: V 1.10 Script will now only attempt to loot items within an 8 tile radius around you. This should stop the script getting stuck on the way back from a trip. Added camera movement when activating the shrine to prevent the script from failing to activate when off screen. thanks, ~apa
  5. Probably does help prevent bans caused by player reports! ~apa
  6. Hey! thanks for the details ! In point 2, does it log anything in the client console? I will take a look at the eating issue now, but i'm not really sure what causes the script to pause in the other situation. Also, I recommend using the fishing trawler bank as it is further away from ardy zoo! apa Update! version 1.09 Script will no longer attempt to eat food while bank is open.~apa
  7. You don't have automatic position grabbing???? you have to stop, press the button and carry on to the next spot... how painful!
  8. Woo, update! Version 1.12: Due to the zeah update, the forging interface indexes changed, and as a result the saved menu positions shifted. This update has updated all shifted menu options so they should now work! This includes throwing knives, dart tips and arrow tips. Updated door handling to hopefully prevent script getting stuck in al-kharid. Please let me know if anything still doesn't work in terms of forging (if it fails to find the option in the menu, or forges the wrong thing!) - make sure you're running v 1.12 first though. enjoy! ~apa
  9. Yea, I think a great addition to the API would be some worked examples . They would really help newer scripters get started, however if you're good at reading API docs from other areas (even standard java libs), it makes it alot easier. As for opening banks, you can do stuff like i if (bank.isOpen()) { //withdraw stuff etc } else { RS2Object bank = objects.closest("Bank booth"); if (bank != null && bank.exists()) { bank.interact("Open");Timer t = new Timer(0L); while (!bank.isOpen() && t.getElapsed() < timeout) { sleep(400); } } thats a really basic example which I wrote in the reply box, should do the trick but you will need a timer class. Theres simpler ways with conditional sleep (check api for this one), but that works fine too. apa
  10. osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ should hopefully cover the very basics! apa
  11. will be taking a look into this at the weekend in addition to the interface interaction problems. Stay tuned! ~apa
  12. that should not happen at all. Perhaps the interfaces have changed, or mirror mode is playing up again. I will be taking a look this weekend and will hopefully determine the cause of these problems apa
  13. Hey! thanks for reporting, When it tries to smith the iron dart tips, does anytthing come up in the console? apa
  14. Sure, please follow the instructions on the main thread! apa
  15. Mirror client is used by fewer people ( as it's VIP+ ). For more info on the technical side of mirror mode, take a look here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66338-reducing-banning-rates-behind-the-scenes-at-osbot-27-febuary-2015/ ~apa
  16. thank you for the purchase! I hope it lives up to your expectations! but you should have asked for a trial first apa
  17. Odd, is there anything logged in the client? where does it stand? i'm going to need a bit more info so I can narrow down the issue! apa
  18. Apaec


    ive never heard of this guy
  19. Unlucky mate, it happens Looks like you just got unlucky. I've personally never been banned using it, but 10 hours does seem like a very short duration sorry for your loss! apa
  20. I'm no experienced botter so I can't really help you on this one. I'd say break for atleast 30% of the time, but it's up to you! apa
  21. I will have to spend 20 hours ploughing a field to get there... but i'll give the minigame a shot! apa
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