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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Congratulations! I've never seen such a beautiful paint (:
  2. No problem, let me know if you run in to any further issues similar to that one (:
  3. Replied in other thread!
  4. Done! (: Hey, Since the store is run by OSBot, I have no power over it and as a result I am not able to take payments on behalf of OSBot. As a result, you cannot pay with OSRSGP directly. HOWEVER, you can buy a store credit voucher from a third party and redeem that. Simply head over to https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ and pick a vendor (: -Apa
  5. Odd, have you tried wiping your OSBot Data folder? located @ C:\Users\Michael\OSBot\Data -Apa
  6. As a side note, calling getObjects#closest is not guarenteed to get the same 'rock' each time if you call it multiple times in succession! (what if the rock is mined between calls?)
  7. Cheers for getting in touch, walking is a bit tough to work with since it's mostly handled by the client and as a result, without writing my own web-walking system, changing this code would not be possible. The script is routed to go via the gate but sometimes the minimap is clicked on the wrong side and it ends up routing the other way and either opening the gate from the other side or simply entering the house. Since this is very dependant on camera angle,zoom etc, it's very hard to pinpoint the situation and implement a change. This should be a minor issue only with edgeville though, since no-where else has multiple routes/round-traversable obstacles. As for cooking on your own fire, I certainly could add this however I would have to think about how it would integrate with the ui and I can't really see any benefits for doing this over cooking at a close range/fire like rogues den/hosidius/catherby! Cheers Done! (:
  8. Yea, will be adding Phials support in the new version.
  9. Yep! Let me know if you need trials (:
  10. Ooh, my bad!!! Will do that for you now. -Apa EDIT: I've just pushed a fix for this update in the latest version which should hopefully go live within the next 24h. Here's the changelog for version 2.01: Fixed incorrect spelling of Adamantite bar preventing its use in forging Adjusted ui window sizes to account for title bars Made minor changes to plural grammar in the activity editor. I plan to make the grammar 100% correct for the next version, however this is no easy job! Cheers
  11. Not sure what happened, it seems that the recent RS update has caused some issues with all of the scripts on the SDN; I will take a look though since the script was running flawlessly for me prior to thursday.
  12. Script was fine before the RS update on thursday, something may have thrown it off. Most likely a client issue but I will run some tests and try and find it
  13. Are you using the latest client version? (2.4.133) Script seems to be back up and running as of the latest client version (2.4.133), i've enabled the trials, enjoy! (:
  14. Good luck, careful though!
  15. As I mentioned to Enemy, I will give you an additional 48 hours to compensate for the client down time once I can confirm all scripts are back up and running. Cheers! Will do!
  16. I will for sure. Once I can confirm the client has been patched, I will give you 48 hours to compensate for the down time. Cheers! Hey, thanks for getting in touch. This thread should clear things up: ___ -Apa
  17. To be fair to MMK, that was actually quite a neat clue (:
  18. Heya, The bot client is experiencing issues at the moment due to the OSRS update which went live just a few hours ago. You will find that most scripts are broken, please stand by while the devs work on a fix! Cheers -Apa
  19. Probably; check the console logger to see what's up!
  20. Just a quick status update, I have started working on the re-write but development has paused due to issues arising from todays update. When OSBot is back up and running, I will continue to write the script and hopefully have it finished for the weekend. Stay tuned!
  21. This kind of problem is usually solved within 24 hours, but that's no promise. It depends on the complexity of the changes needed and the schedules that the devs have in place!
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