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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Woo that's aweswome, thank you very much! (: -Apa
  2. I will perhaps add rimmington and stuff in the future!
  3. Not sure; I wouldn't worry about this though and I certainly wouldn't wait on it - since A Friend got banned running OSHD without even botting, I would assume that they can clearly detect that people are botting and eating two trouts instead of one won't fix this! I would instead ensure that you minimise your chances by botting for short periods with generous breaks (: Here might be an interesting read (if you haven't already read it that is!) : osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/ Cheers -Apa
  4. Sure, if you're sure that you like it/need it, just shoot me a PM and I can sort you out with store credit for the OSRS GP! (: Cheers
  5. Full 24h (: Your trial will expire at 2017-06-12 11:40:07 UTC
  6. As you said, it will be in your collection (:
  7. Not sure why; please try following these steps: Navigate to C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\OSBot\Data\APA_Sand_Crabs Delete the "gui_settings.txt" file found at that location Re-start the script Let me know if that fixes things! -Apa (:
  8. hmm, thanks for this. I will take a look!
  9. Sounds like you've configured it to use special attack even though your weapon doesn't have a special attack. Just make sure you disable this option in the startup interface! -Apa
  10. I plan to add an option to eat up to full hp when the script eats. Can't give an ETA atm as i'm pretty busy working on other things alongside this, but hopefully soon! Cheers -Apa
  11. I think there's a free version, and you should just be able to look up standard intelliJ tutorials!
  12. Apaec

    SDN mining

    I wanted to release mine for free but apparently was not allowed (instead it had to be VIP+) If you fork out for VIP, you would get access to it + you would get the other VIP perks so that might be worth considering? if you want, I can always give you a 24h trial so that you can give it a shot. Also note that I don't benefit at all from you using the script so there's no other reason I would post here other than to help you (: If you want a premium script specifically, you could always ask Tom and Czar for trials of their scripts, so that you can give them a go. That way you can decide after trying them both. -Apa
  13. Well, since we're working with Java here, the whole idea is that it is platform-independent. That means you write the code in the exact same way as you previously would have, so standard tutorials would still apply! Overpriced? perhaps. But don't forget that macs are reliable, stable, pretty, well optimised and have decent in-house software! Anyway, you can always get the community / free version of intelliJ, can you not? -Apa
  14. Hmm, thanks for letting me know. I will do some experimenting! -Apa
  15. Have you tried logging in and out of forums?
  16. Hey, i'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'the GUI goes away'? Is this before or after you press start on the GUI? As for the disable input thing, there have been some issues with that with OSBot recently; nothing I can do about that as it's all client side! Cheers -Apa
  17. The paint tag is 'xp gained', not 'xp gained not including hp xp', I wouldn't want to make it unclear! You can always subtract one from the other if you're really desperate to know the rates though, since the start time for the rates is the same. -Apa
  18. Total exp gained since starting the script (including hp exp!) Cheers -Apa
  19. Thanks, it should do if you wait around 40 seconds or so from starting the script. I will look into improving this so that you don't have to wait around! This is odd as in my testing I haven't been able to replicate this. Perhaps it's a mirror mode thing? I'm not sure - I will run some more tests and see what I can do about this for you. Hey, there's nothing stopping me doing this, however I do not really want to clutter the GUI further! I will see if I can find a space-economical place to put something like this though. -Apa Sure thing, done!
  20. Hey This is only if you did not get a long enough go the first time around, which it seems that you didn't! I've given you an additional 6 hours. Cheers! -Apa
  21. As promised: Update! Version 3.06 (should hopefully be available within the next 24h when the developers have a chance to push it live): Added a delay while cooking which will prevent the script from immediately banking. This is ofcourse optional! The new GUI setting is illustrated below: This delay is normally distributed (Gaussian distribution) and may or may not start after everything has cooked, or after level-up. This was designed to simulate a casual player AFKing with OSBuddy, and reacting to the 'no longer cooking' notification that OSBuddy gives. Adjusted the loop timing of the script to help prevent incredibly rare but unexpected delays (thresholds were put in place) Preventing the script idling briefly if started quickly Adjusted GUI to cater for new options (see above) Enjoy! -Apa a
  22. Hmm... where abouts are you starting the script? -Apa
  23. Sure, Let me know if you're still having problems! (: -Apa
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