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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. One solution to all of it: Stop using V.71 of the client, get back V.70 or previous versions. The interactions are way to slow and the mouse idles way too much! atm you can only use pouches at altars (no abyss) if you got lunars to repair them. Khaleesi
  2. The difference between using mirror and normal client.
  3. there is no issue on the regular client, I use that to make scripts since it stable instead of laggy mirror client which is unreliable. if you want to run complex scripts like rc and such stable, don't use mirror client. Using default client will gunatuee you a 99.9% working script. but then ban rates are higher. So it's your choose what you want to use Exmaple: The script teleporting to duel arena with a RoD(2) (Which is enough to get back). The mirror doesn't realise it's at the duel arena already -> teleports again. This will cause the ring to be vanish. It only happends on this occation... Note: I'm working on a rework on all of the methods to improve the speed and performance. So I'll see if I can add a way to walk to Al-Kharid to get a new ring instead if it occurs Khaleesi
  4. sure use right topic next time ;) Have fun!
  5. disables roofs bro ... Why are you even running agility with roofs on? Settings->always hide roofs
  6. I don't give scripts to people ... if you bought it, osbot automatically give it to you. If your refunded the script, you'll have to rebuy with to money you refunded. For all monety related issues, contact a mod I can't help you with this. Khaleesi
  7. Then you should lean when and how to bot ;) Considering some pll botted over 3 months of runtime on their own ... With only 1-2 banns xD Making over 700$ worth of osrs in 2 weeks ... Gues it's not worth to make 2 new accounts for 700$ Khaleesi Go to your profile > Edit Profile > Signature and paste the link with the IMG tags there if you want it to show automatically everytime you post. :P
  8. Put [.img] before the link and [/.img] after it, without the dots.
  9. Read first post pls, ty.
  10. What OSBot version and which course?
  11. Karma. You cry over losing an account when you're clearly breaking RS rules (which is bound to happen) and then you go out of your way to report others? Come on man. Looking into the bugs.
  12. Mirror slows it, .71 makes it even slower...
  13. fix: Stop use mirror and version .71
  14. Hit the refresh button.
  15. Ya I can't change client interactions ... so If you like .70 better go use that I have no idea why it stops for so long after failing to interact.
  16. Tested all rooftops yesterday up to polly worked flawless for 1 hours almost reaching on the max exp/h possible... Stop using .71 ... too much delays -_- Use .70 is you want faster interactions but a more glitchy mouse ^^ Khaleesi
  17. Proud Doing more then 10 clicks myself is too much legit for me ... Rather click 3 times on my script
  18. Ya it happends once in a while, hard to detect portals and the brawlers. They don't have collision flags like other objects...
  19. You are right, They are almost the same as other configs in runescape ... I've debugged a lot of these myself... basicly everything in runescape works this way. You only need to know how to work with them ... Farming has a shitload of settings though the devs who made it their brain must have hurt xD Khaleesi
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