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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Sure, next time post in right topic ;) (See signature) Have fun
  2. I'll take a look at this. I ran yesterday for 12 hours without having any troubles telegrabbing. + Use the proper template I provided to report a bug, the info you gave me is baiscly useless... Khaleesi Quit lying, you were caught (the day after you posted this) reporting another user of mine for using Khal Ogres in-game. (just looked up your account, not banned) Proof you f'd over another user of mine. Fortunately one report doesn't do much so he's not banned. Don't be such a hypocrite next time.
  3. No not yet, will do later today
  4. You didn't even read how to start mirror client ... If you took half the time you needed to create this topic and read the forum, you managed to understand why See here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69385-osbot-mirror-client-video-guide/
  5. They are supposed to work, except some known issues and extra delays/missclicks but should just run fine after all. Khaleesi
  6. Be careful botting 24/7. If prices get f'd in the butt expect a mass ban :<
  7. Love the skin Thx for update! EDIT: Interactions are better now, no more mouse jerking. Even though after clicking an entity it waits for 2-3 sec before continueing ... Any idea what could cause this? Kind regards Khaleesi
  8. Hello friends, I need some help with a friend of mine! There is some kind of DJ contest going on in the neighborhood and my friend is selected to enter it. Now he need to reach inside the top 3 to actually play hes Dj set on the party. Can you guys help me out and votre for him? I know the website is dutch, but you just have to press on the "Votes" button at the right side Link: http://www.beachpartybocholt.be/artist/up The votes doesn't require a facebook or a accounts. You can only vote once per IP adress, so people who got acces to multiple IP's, proxies, VPS, can you please vote on all of them? You guys would mean the world to me if you would do this for me! Kind regards Khaleesi
  9. client update has nothing to do with it ... Make sure to start up the client in the right way. I just tested and everything worked just fine Script updated to V0.14: - Fixed some walking issues by ditching osbot walking methods and using my own. - Fixed getting stuck in the endless "walking to" issue. See previous point. - Small fix to lotting the sack. If you are running the newest client version, be prepared to have interaction delays. Don't even bother to report them, because I can't change it. Khaleesi
  10. No I didn't, but i'll get a update in some hours!
  11. Goodluck with your future!
  12. Yes, if you take your time to read the first post I'll give you a 24h trial.
  13. If you want me to fix it you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that and maybe use the bug report form on the first post. Khaleesi
  14. because the client couldn't login... ? nothing to do with the script
  15. nope Welcome to mirror client
  16. today i met my girlfriend at mcdonalds and touched tips with her dad. This was not a normal father he was sick. He
  17. Sure click my signature and request it there
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