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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I can add an option for the d spec only at the cleaning part I'll see how the gem bag works and if I can have it added! Will keep you posted! Khaleesi
  2. delete java, reinstall lastest version ...
  3. For how much are you willing so sell your main? You can pm me if you like. Khaleesi
  4. Already pushed an update hours ago. I fixed it in V0.25.
  5. Yeah upstairs is crazy! Get me another
  6. Wow you beast! Thats a lot of progit :p
  7. Wait for V0.25 to be approved ^^ You can check the paint to know the Script version
  8. It is because the lagg, it's cause by the mirror. Script updated to V0.25: - Fixed tree at canafis - Added failsafe for polly course, will walk down staircase Enjoy! Khaleesi
  9. Can't do something about the jerking mouse as it is a client thing (.68 and onwards got the jerking mouse on most scripts), will take a look at the tree issue. Are you lagging? I ran this myself a few days ago and it was flawless. Misclicks happen a lot when you're lagging because the mouse has moved to the correct spot (on your screen) but in-game it still hasnt reached that point yet, if that makes sense. Try shutting down all your other stuff and get back to me. Otherwise I'll have to add a failsafe for that staircase too.
  10. It's the client sending the message ... not a big deal
  11. These are refered to as "Delayed bans". Basically you've already been caught, reports or their anti-bot system flagging you, a mod checks you out "ok this guy is a bot" and puts a ban that activates the next time you login. I strongly recommend upgrading to VIP and using the mirror client as it is much safer.
  12. Why in the world would you use a botting client to play legit?
  13. Did you start the mirror client properly? Check this: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/72936-how-to-fix-scripts-not-starting-properly-in-mirror-mode/ make sure to start script with talisman in the inven OR triara equipped. Also make sure u start close to the falador east bank or on its way to the altar Khaleesi
  14. if you installed 64 bot Eclipse, go install the 32 bit version ^^ if you got 32 bit now, install 64 bit eclipse
  15. Khaleesi


    Hello! Have fun around here ;)
  16. I've ran BF for several weeks on my main acc on the regular client, I didn't get banned... but the bann rates on regular client are sky high on all scripts... especially fresh accounts gets targeted extremely hard! So becareful with that Yàou can use a private script if you can find someone who will make it for you Even though it would be a better investment to just use the mirror client instead ^^ If you mean to goldfarm you'll have to accept that accounts will be banned sooner or later No matter what client or script you run. (You still break their rules and you'll be punished) Khaleesi
  17. Show me a full screenshot including your RS screen please.
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