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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Already Added yesterday ... Probs not yet updated at sdn
  2. Sometimes it corrected itself.. but only after logging otu and auto logging in. So basicly the script moves the mouse onto the tree model, but can't interact bcs no tree is there. This same bug also happends when you use the quick worldhopper of runescape now. The new region doesn't get loaded, so the script can't find entities. I know relogging solves the issue immediately Khaleesi ^ this
  3. Lets load a treein region 5. local x = 15 local y = 20 gloval x = 3250 global y = 2700 right when u try to walk to it with localwalker a new region gets loaded. The tree which was loaded before is still at 15,20 at local position. BUT the global x and y are shifted now. the tree which got loaded has the right local x and y but the global x and y are messed up. at that point I amde my own localwalker, and i was having the same issue so i staretd to drawing the tree model. So the client actually drew the tree at the wrong location. Wasn't even the real tree there. I hope you understand what I mean Khaleesi
  4. Wasn't even his pics apparently.
  5. Script updated to V0.05: - Added tanning hides. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  6. I approve, very annoying issue The object gets loaded at the right local x and y values, but in the wrong region. I have reported this 2 months ago while the localwalker was walking to wrong locations... This bug happend in 95% cases while using localwalker to a certain position. In emantime the client loads a new region, but the localwalker will walk to the wrong region (due the fact the object has been loaded in the wrong region in the first place Khaleesi
  7. Will take a look at these missclicks... Make sure you are using fixed screenmode... Also have roofs disabled ingame will improve it
  8. If you have the same ona gility script, then YOU are doing something wrong. make sure you are using fixed screen mode. Khaleesi It should eb fixed now Tanning doesn't give exp... but I guess it considered "crafting" right?
  9. I see, never noticed that. I'll add an extra check to the inventory Khaleesi
  10. What do you mean? I guess I missed something... Can you explain? Khaleesi
  11. every file can contains virusses... Even a png or pdf xD
  12. I just ran it and it worked just fine It's not coincedence the script gets stuck at every entity ;) The client just messed up bcs one of the folowing points: 1) Start mirror mode with default client logged out 2) Set screensize to FIXED 3) Don't use worldswitcher at mirror Lemme know if it's fixed now Khaleesi I'll take a look why this happends, most likely and issue with the item container in mirror cleint Same as the banking issue(no pure ess found) Khaleesi
  13. I missed my 1000 ... :=(
  14. u serious right now ... Mald should bann you for spamming the same topic 3 times ina row now -_-
  15. Script updated to V0.14: - Fixed the issue with dropping Should be live soon Enjoy
  16. Script updated to V0.16: - Updated walking Should be online soon, Enjoy! Khaleesi
  17. I see, Well good to know that causes the issue. Mirror is very fragile at loading data ... Glad it's solved now
  18. 1) Start mirror in the right way: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/72936-how-to-fix-scripts-not-starting-properly-in-mirror-mode/ 2) Screen mode has to be set on Fixed. (Osbot doesn't support resizeable) Script is running 100% stable atm... So it's most likely on your side Let me know if it's fixed. Khaleesi
  19. Script updated to V0.06: - Added failsafe for typing in chat - Added failsafe to close window before interacting Should be live soon Khaleesi
  20. Checking stats is antiban, you can disable that. I'll test run this for a some time and see what's wrong, but i guess you just mean the interaction is a bit off at the thightrope. (or does it click on minimap?) Khaleesi
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