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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. bot appears tyo be online now Restart client and try again! Khaleesi
  2. Client isn't working atm, request it again when client is online again 6 hours after giving the trial, no matter how long your run Client is offline at the moment. Requets the trial again when it's online. Khaleesi
  3. Thx, does it click the ogre all the time or just few times? It sometimes clicks it like 2-3 times, but I gues slegit players click npc more times too right? Khaleesi
  4. Well it's the best ranging exp possbile with decent "profit" I don't know much about botting hours and such ... Pretty sure some people wll help you out with this Khaleesi
  5. Done, use right topic next time ;) (Check first post)
  6. The script is working for working flawlessy for 50+ users... so might start thinking it is you ;) 1) Start mirror mode the right way 2) Don't use world switcher if use mirror mode Enjoy! Khaleesi
  7. Make sure you use fixed screen mode if using mirror -> don't login to the game before starting the mirror client. Login if both clients are loaded
  8. probs just some DDos attacks again ..
  9. Glad it has been fixed Thx!
  10. Make sure you are using fixed screen mode in game
  11. ya NPC's can only be detected if visible ... Should ask Alek about it
  12. I guess Osbot didn't hook it then ... Why do you need it anyway? Khaleesi
  13. I don't have a clue, this script is still fairly new so not much data available about bann rates. Didn't get a report of anyone being banned with this script yet Khaleesi
  14. I know there is a hook for that. Not sure if osbot did hook it ... check the API ;) Khal
  15. All I can do is make the fix as soon as possible. Then the SDN manager has to approve the update and push it to the SDN. I hope it's online by now, because it's an annoying issue -_- Khaleesi
  16. Glad it has been solved Khaleesi
  17. Does this happen every time or just randomly? What setup at GUI were you using? point spender?
  18. Script updated to V0.57: - Reorganised the GUI - Improved talisman support Should be online shortly. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  19. Customer is king I hope it gets uploaded quickly Enjoy!
  20. Thx for the report. There was indeed an issue. Script updated to V0.56: - Fixed Equipping RoD at fire altar. Updated should be online soon, Sorry for the inconvience. Khaleesi
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