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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. don't bother, I know the issue... Some things got fucked up at the previous osbot client update. I alreayd got this covered in the next release. WIll be pushed asap. EDIT: Script updated to V0.58: - Fixed some issue with wearing/eating items when in wrong tab. Should be online soon Khaleesi
  2. Apparntly it's some rare error at the mirror cleint, doesn't really have anything to do with the script you are running. Let me know if this happends again Khaleesi
  3. Yes, if you've ever done agility legit you'll know that's how people play. Nobody clicks just once because in all honesty, you don't know where to click so people always click a few times around the area where you're supposed to click. Does the whole client freeze?
  4. Hi. Sure thing, read first post on how to get one.
  5. Script updated to V0.06: - Updated the typing in chat issue. Let me know if this still occurs in V0.06. Khaleesi
  6. Script updated to V0.08: - Fixed the can't reach message. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  7. Ran out, I granted it you again ^^
  8. The script is 100% operational at the moment. Feel free to report a bug with the bug report themplate, which has been given in the first post. If I can verify the bug, I'll update the script within 24 hours. Khaleesi
  9. 2k i s a big deal, Try contacting them by phone, it always make it more personal and they will feel like it's serious. Try to mail all the proof you got to one of the workers. Their rules just got updated so basicly you can win this. Khaleesi
  10. Fixed in new release, thx for the report. Will take a closer look at that specific location. Thx for the detailed post ! I'll make it more clear, put all required items/resources in the same tab. but put them all at the top of the tab Kinda hard to explain.
  11. Quick calculation: Profit/h: 300k/h (depends on your but/sell prices of the ores and bars) Profit/day: 4,8 - 7,2 mill (considering 16 to 24 hours of runtime) Profit 4 accounts/day: 19,2mill - 28,8mill The profit is calculated from osbuddy prices. So if you buy ores cheaper and sell bars higher, the profit will be higher. HInt: In the weekend the barely bann bots, do feel free to suicide 48 hours on fresh accounts Hope this helped a bit.
  12. It take about 1k iron ores and 1k coal ores each hour. So if you want to run it for 24 hours, you'll need 24k of both. Some last only a few hours, some last weeks ... I have no clue how they decide if someone is botting or not. without mirror client the banns are slightly higher. Can't help you with that, never tested it myself. Might try this weekend!
  13. I agave you a few more hours Enjoy.
  14. Click your quest tab --> MiniGames --> Blast Furnace --> Teleport --> Run north through the 3 doors and down the stairs, start quest when downstairs and in World 358. If you're <60 smithing you will also need cash in your inventory (15k per hour). Fill in the GUI and hit start. He disappears sometimes, it'll pay him once he pops up.
  15. Copyright infragment, you used one of my 3 dragons.
  16. Script works fine for me, try deleting your Osbot folder or restarting the client please. Script updated to V0.13: - Added failsafe for cammy teleport Enjoy! Khaleesi
  17. Great, I'll take a look at the speed. thx!
  18. I'll check it out today what the issue is... probs something with rs update Must have misread that. I can make it logout if that's the case indeed... but this should only happen very rarely -_- Never heard this before after 500+ hours of runtime ;)
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