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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. No, if you would check the Gui you would have seen this It does repair pouches in abyss, IF you are using abyss to craft runes. If you are using plain altars you'll need NPC contact to repair pouches. Khaleesi
  2. Been asking this for over a month
  3. Do you have ring of duellings? What is the script status? Arre the pouches degraded? then put emergency teleport higher... so simply xD
  4. ya it's a mirror client bug, You can cehck the report here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/83025-mirror-client-bug-report-positions/ Hope it gets solved soon
  5. When I have some free time I'll take a look if I can find something for the brawlers. It should prioritize them, but there so many factors the script has to check that it might skip it somehow... Not sure how xD I'll see what I can do Khaleesi
  6. When does this happen? both on mirror and default ? You got a few hours ^^
  7. I can do that, but don't really see the point in in except you win 0.5sec each trip ... It uses the teleport you have selected to get back to edgeville Glory, house teleport,. You can die a lot, you still have to run through the wildy and stuff What % did you put emergency teleport? khaleesi
  8. It does prioritize spinners over a portal, BUT only if no brawler is near them or near you. Brawlers are not detected as collision flag thus we have no walk to detect them proper or not do we have a great pathing system around them. I rather attack the portal instead of spammclicking a spinner which you can't reach for 30 sec. Pretty sure jagex detetection will come and bann you even faster then This also counts for the range suppport, don't really have a thing to know where they are if if you are able to hit the portal or not. I've also tried a lot of things, but brawlers are annoying AF. Khaleesi
  9. Nooooooooo :'( Don't .. give .. up ..
  10. Both given trials Enjoy! Khaleesi
  11. I can take a look at it, won't be easy to do. Khaleesi
  12. Remember how rc is 20-30k/h? I reached 99 after a few months of botting it. Then a year later runespan comes in @ 150k/h rc exp -_-. How to piss off players^
  13. na they won't bann accs you didn't bot on, but if you traded goods to teh accounts you still violated the rules on both accounts
  14. Welcome to Osbot, Looking forward to see some scripts of you ^^ Feel free to shoot me a pm if you have any questions. (Kan ook in NL dan ;)) Khaleesi
  15. works for me atm ... Can you use the bug report template, so u give me all info required? "Script gets stuck" is pretty useless you know ;) Khaleesi
  16. What usefull info can I tell pll who get banned? I'm a scripter, not a botting specialist, bann rates are just so high at these moneymaking methods... That's a mirror client issue, devs are looking for a fix for it. Check it here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/83025-mirror-client-bug-report-positions/
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