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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Thx, that's exactly what I needed Script updated to V0.17: - Fixed leaving house while using host account. (Not tested) - Fixed small calculation error at bones to peaches If you still have this issue at V0.17 let me know. I'll have another update about re entering house after breaks. Khaleesi
  2. This was never added to the script so this is you own fault. If sack was full you should have started it wiht an EMPTY sack. Told this over 10 times in this topic. It's just osbot's interactions at the moment, nothing I can do about that. I didn't change anything to the ladder at all. It's just osbot interactions which are even worse then a autistic person trying to click an object ... Pissing me off badly. Khaleesi
  3. I didn't made it enter portal for now, since it will fuck up other methods. I tried host mode on few accounts, and worked perfectly. You should fill in bug report template, bcs this post is kinda useless to me if you don't provide any info for me... Khaleesi
  4. This is something everybodyshould know indeed Fixed scrren mode, default zoom ... I think osbot will make something for the zoom to set it to default at start Khaleesi
  5. Sure thing, it's a 24h trial if you wanna run it over night
  6. Click my signature to request a free trial for my Agility bot, after you've tried it you can purchase if you're happy
  7. Script updated to V0.16: - Added host support (multiple banking methods) - Logs out when out of items - won't spamm click butler anymore Preview of bones to peaches atm: Khaleesi
  8. works fien for me and my friends ... can you be some more specific what kind of jewelry making and stuff? Air orb runner?
  9. Thx for the detailed explanation, I always wondered how it got in the chat A huge update will be done soon Khaleesi
  10. It's fairly new so nope not yet ^^
  11. How is it cheaper then a VPS? Some pll stated 0.5$ to 1$ ... Which is around 15-30$ a month. I'm pretty sure if you have a VPS that costs 30 $ a month you have a very good one xD
  12. This kind of posts are completely useless to me. You are only talking trash and not even explaining the issue itself... Nor are you using my bug report template so I can adress the issue directly. I'll take a look at it now EDIT: I've ran the script for bit longer then 1 hour, watching it whole the time. The script did exactly whats it supposed to do. DIdn't even get stuck once nor did it walk to something wrong ... EDIT2: Script updated to V0.18: - Added failsafe for report window - Added failsafe for collection window - Improves some minor stuff Khaleesi
  13. Blame osbot api and move on... (Mouse movements are AWALYS client related) If the mouse feels to jagg, we scripters have to live with that. (It will only happends when it fails to get certain destination points. You can thank Alek for that. Not veen mentioning missclick, for exactly the same reason.) A lot of my scripts don't jagg the louse, simply bcs they aren't interacting with object every 2-3 seconds as agility ... Wilderness course will be fixed whenever my other bigger project are over Khaleeso
  14. 1) Instant bars (bars are made as soon as you've added all ores so no waiting) 2) Yes, no "antiban" stuff will happen so script will focus on the task only, not checking XP and stuff.
  15. It's not really a big improvement though ans it's a lot of annoying thing to go through to make it When I have some more time I'll add it
  16. Depends on current market of runescape obviously... Paint also shows less then yoou actually make. This due to the bars price falling in weekend and ore prices raising... If you use bf clans you can make a lot more ^^
  17. It will, but mald will be waiting with hes bannhammer ^^ I already requested some things that would bypass some rules, mald made me clear he will be waiting if you violate or bypass them. So I quickly ran back to my comfort zone with my tail between my legs ... Khaleesi
  18. It has nothing to do with the amounts created ... could also happen at 50 or 5000. Ya will have an update this weekend, a fix for this will be included. Khaleesi
  19. I know it's a quest area where you have to solve these puzzles in the basement ... No idea where it is located though -_-
  20. Patience my friend Depends what tabs you make ... Varrock tabs is around 250k/h Bones to peaches is 500k/h (higher reqs) Rest of the tabs are between this Khaleesi Ya this weekend will be bigger update ^^
  21. I think it's even more suspicious taking break then not taking breaks .... Let's be honest. Who in the hell takes 20 min break every 90 min? If I play legit a I play for few hours and go offline for 30 min to eat or something. but fresh accounts always get a higher detection rate then older accounts unfotunately Try putting less breaks and see what happends? ^^ Ya true! Quested acc are good ^^ Khaleesi
  22. It's basicly the osbot interaction doing this... I'll see if i can make custom interactions this weekend. This is getting out of control indeed
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