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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ok so it tries to empty too fast after crafting runes, will have a look at that with your setup. Does it walk behind the altar every single time? or is it lmore random? Ya but is it worth banking again to withdraw 1 more essence after drinking the last dose? I currently do not have acces to a high lvl RC account ... Need to get myself one first.
  2. So it just stuck there forever right? What is in the logger? Possible to screenshot whenever this happends? Seems to work fine for me ... Have you tried restarting? What is you setup at the gui? That's probably because rsbuddy is offline ... so the script can't check a value
  3. Activated the trials It depends from player to player, some can last a month doing pestcontrol, some a few hours. It depends on you playstyale and how much you botted the account before ... Just bot human hours, don't go crazy
  4. About to take a look at this! Script updated to V1.24: - Fixed waiting times after leaving portal Let me know if you still encounter this issue in V1.24 Will be online in a few hours
  5. Will take a look at that, does it happen all the time or randomly? This is supported for abyss, for what did you want it?
  6. That's not what gets you banned ... I barely get banned on agility. You just have to bot with proper breaks and timing like a human I've tested on stuff like this ... When you let an account spamm click an obstacle 24h or spamm click minimap for 24h it won't get banned.. Do you get banned on your account if you click the minimap to walk to an obstacle by hand? It's most likely people reporting you and botting on obvious times/breaks that gets you banned Ok so I can make the bot rotate the camera some more istead of running to the obstacle... Even though that slows down the script a bit compared to using the minimap.
  7. Testing with some other settings atm Enjoy
  8. Have you got your windows completely zoomed out?
  9. Well "bruh" can you give me some screens? What's the script status, how many ores are in the sack?... need some more info ? Never heard of this issue in all the time it was online...
  10. No this is not supported Yes unlimited accounts and one time fee
  11. For what would you need alching ?
  12. I see, so you can just run this without problems now?
  13. The bot handles randoms Does this error always happends? Well that's the client, can't really change that
  14. In a few days, kind of busy right now
  15. Sure, try it out in the trial Activated the trials
  16. Will be added in the next update
  17. Ya it's lifetime when yiu buy it Actiavted the trials Enjoy
  18. Activated the trial Will take a look at the telegrabbing, shouldn't be usising it twice obviously
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