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  1. There is currently some sort of issue with tree gnome village, it withdraws the full inventory and then banks all of the items again Error:failed to withdraw items - expected: Here is a gyazo gif https://gyazo.com/e95ab98c88a9fc0a0b70fae86ee82cd3
  2. Very small bug report. Doing addy bars with GE mode enabled, once the bot goes to the ge to rebuy ores if the bot has enough money to buy more than 4500 ores it will attempt to purchase more than 4500 adamantite ores. This creates an issue because the GE buy limit is 4500 ores per 4 hours so if its purchasing even 4600 the first 4500 ores will buy but then it will sit and wait for 4 hours until the next 100 buy due to the limit being 4500 per 4 hours. Id assume the best way to fix this would be implement a max purchase for adamantite ore and possibly others. So if it has enough money to buy more than the listed amount below it should not do so and should just bank the extra coins or keep them in the inventory if coffer mode is enabled. Ore limits per 4 hours are as follows. Iron 13,000 Coal 13,000 Gold 13,000 Mithril 13,000 Adamantite 4,500 Rune 4,500 So every time the bot goes to GE the absolute maximum amount of ores it should be buying for each bar in order to not break the GE limit and have to sit at the GE for 4 hours are as follows. Iron Bar= 13,000 iron ore Steel Bar= 13,000 iron ore and 13,000 coal Gold Bar= 13,000 gold ore. Mithril Bar= 6,500 Mithril Ore and 13,000 coal Adamantite bar= 4,333 Adamantite ore and 12,999 coal Runeite bar= 3,250 Runite ore and 13,000 coal
  3. Having an issue with mining the south eastern rock to get through the corridor, just stands there clicking because it doesnt detect the rock, its happened multiple times.
  4. Any chance you could add a feature to make it do 2 full inventories of pay dirt and then do 2 bank runs or even 3? So deposit pay dirt, go back to mining, deposit paydirt, collect from sack, bank, collect from sack, bank, paydirt, back to mining.
  5. Yea for some reason I start the bot with a 1:3 ratio of Adamantite Ore to coal and It always ends up being off at the end. If I have 1k starting ores and it does 27 at a time the last inventory will be left with 1 addy ore and 3 coal ores so that is probably where it is being thrown off.
  6. Ge support seems to be having issues currently, after it runs out of coal or the other ore it stands at the BF bank and doesnt do anything, I have varrock tabs in my bank as well.
  7. Disregard my previous message, web walker is broken
  8. Thank you so much, I thought I saw a script somewhere but whenever I searched it never came up.
  9. Hi, I know this sounds like a kinda dumb question but is there any way to verify that OSbot is using the proxy? Have it list the IP that it is connected to or something? More just paranoid about botting and getting chain banned if it hits my home ip.
  10. If i start the bot with a fresh account all level 1 stats and then use the "all quests" setting, will it detect what quests it can do based off of the stats it has or will it endlessly try to start a quest with the fishing req/woodcutting req?
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