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Everything posted by Solace

  1. The homeless, she will always love for who u really are would u rather have 6 fingers or 4 fingers
  2. all i did was set an auto clicker for 22 hours and wait lol
  3. but i will need to open 2 osbots? or bot with 2 ips and 2 accounts in the same osbot window right?
  4. Sine is beta we will have to wait a bit, just be patient
  5. Hi there. I was wondering if i get VIP ill be able to bot with X accounts, but the accounts will have the same ip as the first right? in that case ill be banned or something? or ill have to buy some proxies. example: account #1 does fish, account #2 does wc, account #3 does cannon balls. i dont want to get banned like 6 month ago haha, i was using 2 accouns at the same time picking up flaxs. thanks!
  6. Try to wait a bit, sometimes it just takes time. gl botting
  7. how do i update the script? also here is a 6h progress, flawless
  8. Solace

    Bye Guys!

    Take and post the pics whereever u going
  9. i got 99 wc with a fresh account in less than 1 month just dont bot more than 12 hours a day, thats not human like
  10. just bought it and ill try it now for 3 hours or so, ill post the progress.
  11. find the margin by buying the item cliking 3 times in the high price then u can see for how much people are SELLING it, now sell the item by 3 clicks at the low price buttom in ge and finally u will see for how much people are BUYING it. Now all u need to do is buy it in high amounts in the case of sources, runes arrows etc. i hope u understand, english is not my first language
  12. buy low sell high and if the item u are trying to flip takes more than 15 minutes just dont flip it.
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