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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Version 1.4


    - Reset the versions from 4.0 to 1.4 (continuing on the second number)

    - FIXED PAINT ISSUE - now shows the correct time until goal level

    - Improved code efficiency, should now work even more smoothly than before


    Update should be live within an hour :D

  2. thought id point this out, im only 81 range and it says 22 hours till 90 which is way off




    Yes I know, this has been an issue for the past month or so, don't worry it's just a paint issue. I will mess around with the code and provide an update soon.

  3. Version 3.05


    - Fixed drop other fish

    - Changed 'keep other fish' to 'drop other fish' in GUI

    - No longer attempts to fish when inventory is full

    - No longer stuck on dialogues

    - Added a state debugger (now shows which state the script is in, e.g. fishing/dropping/banking)


    Update should be live within an hour. biggrin.png


    EDIT: Also, good news, my account is ready for barbarian fishing so I can test the tick-fishing I wrote :D

    • Like 1

    any idea what this means ?
    [ERROR][bot #1][03/18 01:19:21 AM]: Error in script executor!
    at com.czar.PRn.c(r:438)
    at com.czar.PRn.match(r:11)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.FilterAPI.filter(ef:128)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(vn:65)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(vn:186)
    at com.czar.COM2.Q(r:11)
    at com.czar.COM2.L(r:226)
    at com.czar.COM2.J(r:404)
    at com.czar.COM2.onLoop(r:221)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ph:22)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



    Restart client and it should be fine

  5. Just bought this script, hope it's worth the money !

    Doesn't drop the tunas when fishing for swords in karamja!


    Did you unselect 'Keep other fish' option, and are you banking or dropping btw? I will have a fix within an hour if so.


    When fishing leaping trout/salmon at barb outpost, whenever you gain an agility level, you have to manually click the screen or else it won't move to go to the next fishing stop. Could it be fixed?


    EDIT: Also, when it catches an inv full of fish, it keeps trying to fish and not drop.

    Seems like there is an issue with dialogues, I will fix this too.

    Thanks for the feedback guys!

  6. Then you'll have to sacrifice a few junk items, cmon man it won't hurt lol. I'm adding a few features right now including special attacks and cannon support, I will add randomized walking so it will avoid the tiles with items, but that is still easy to get banned if you always step on a non-item tile all the time. I will change it around a little.


    Version 2.3 eta ~1-2 hours

  7. Tick fishing looks nice but is there a way to ensure that the bot mis-clicks some? Also clicking at different spots on the tree/food/fishing spot?


    Yes of course, I have added a GUI option for antipattern tick fishing (occasional misclicks and accidents) already, I still need to do some testing before I update though. Right now the only thing that is missing is the activity to do while tick fishing (when away from the tree)

  8. > Go to oldschool site, to the left should be a download link for the client launcher.

    > Download the launcher

    > Install the launcher

    > Go to the install location (users/jagexcache/jagexlauncher/oldschool)

    > edit oldschool.prm with notepad

    > change -xmx256 to -Xmx1024m



  9. Well personally I use the OSRS launcher, and I just edit the parameter file from 256mb to 1024mb, although if you can do it another way, then it's fine I guess.

  10. After I wake up it freezes both on webclient of official osrs and the mirror mode client. I dont think its using all of the memory since its 200-300/512 also. even when i allocate 1280MB. It just freezes after a couple hours. Is it the 6 hour limit? To be honest I dont think it is tho.

    I used to but i dont use it anymore. 


    Are you allocating the 1280mb on both clients (OSBot and RuneScape)? Make sure to set both, otherwise there's no point

  11. This is an Instaban right?

    no this is not instagram doge.png

    nah it's not instaban, it used to be high ban rate though. if you use mirror client its even less ban-rate. as long as you don't bot over 10-12/hrs/day, its fine

  12. it has many bugs now, it stops random spots when it starts to go there after bank, and it allways stops when it starts to go west spot it starts killling 1 sheep and then goes back to east near that spider and doesnt atk him and then goes back to sheep when sheep appears again, well i babysit bot myself moved and loked when it was stuck i restarted bot, but i hope ull fix these


    Hmm then don't use east mode or random mode until I fix it. If this is happening while not using east mode, then use the east mode and see if it changes anything. In the meantime, I will investigate this and fix.

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