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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Version 1.94


    - Used walking class from my rock crab script

    - Inventory food is now auto-detected again (fixed)


    It should work in this version, thanks for the feedback guys.


    Also @Cruelhitz, it has attacked the spider experiment since 5 months without failure, are you doing something wrong? (mirror client/gui options wrong spot?)

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah this happened to another user too, I'm still investigating the cause of this, thanks for the feedback though :D


    for the other user it was stuck outside near mazchna. I will update this post when I find the issue

  3. With Barb fishing, the first few hours work fantastic. I get 40k an hr exp but after hour 3 or 4, it drops drastically to 35k an hour. I checked, and my character would just stand there idle not doing anything. I would have to pause the script and start it again. 


    Screenshot wherever it gets stuck and I will fix it.

  4. gets stuck when coing back from the bank at melzar and just stands, also when you click east it till goes west


    The east issue I will fix, but this melzar ? Does it correct itself? Any more details? I can't read minds :P


    It stopped again. i got this error:


    DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:09 AM]: / There's a ground item !!
    [ERROR][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:09 AM]: Error in script executor!
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
    	at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source)
    	at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.random(tc:183)
    	at com.czar.NUl.C(n:641)
    	at com.czar.COm1.onLoop(n:1909)
    	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(dl:173)
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:11 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2705, y=3725, z=0].
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:13 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2705, y=3725, z=0].
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:15 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2705, y=3725, z=0].
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:17 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2704, y=3725, z=0].
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:19 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2704, y=3724, z=0].
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][03/21 12:37:22 AM]: / Attempting to navigate to [x=2705, y=3725, z=0].


    Well I can fix that error however I don't think it's the cause. Any other details? Try minimap walking if you keep getting that

  6. I'd kinda like a refund..

    update after update you claim to fix the issues but it seems like not a single thing has changed.

    Script still continues to run north up White Wolf Mountain when set to fish Herrings / Sardines.

    I have tried every possible combination of options in the GUI and nothing seems to help.

    Banking on, banking off etc.

    Why do you have these options for different kinds of fish if you haven't even tested them to ensure they're in working order?



    I told you, set the location to CATHERBY. Otherwise it will go to the fishing spot you selected. If I choose herring and set the location to Lumbridge or Mudskipper point for example, it will start running away up the white wolf mountain and whatnot.




    There is the script working perfectly fine at catherby. If you still have issues, open the console log and tell me what 'My Spot set to []' says. Although this should fix your 'errors'.


    My best guess is that you aren't even changing the location of the fish at all, and it is walking all the way to lumbridge - as I have just tried that myself and it did indeed start walking north. Just set it to catherby.

  7. I keep getting random DC's  or the bot runs until the crabs wont come up and you have to reset them but the bot doesnt do it and gets stuck


    Hmm try changing world and see if it improves (#lizardsquad is ddosing rs servers atm) 

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