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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Just bought it smile.png are u able to send me how i shud set it up? bit confused haha :\


    Since it is the first time you are running it, go to bank and have the items you need in your inventory, e.g.


    20 trout, 1 camelot teleport


    then, click the button called 'Load Inventory'


    and it will save that inventory for the future, so every time you kill rock crabs and bank, it will take out those items.


    If you bring a camelot teleport with you (cammy tab) it will teleport, if you bring camelot spell runes, it will teleport using the spell.


    If you want to train ranged, bring some arrows/knives/whatever and run the script. The script does most of the work for you.


    Make sure you run the script while logged in.

  2. Make a filter for the door with the following checks:


    - hasAction("Open");

    - getY() <= Y (y being the y coordinate of the door closer to the stairs, not the second door for rune mysteries)


    if ^ that door exists, open it, if not, click the spinner and proceed with spinning.

    	public static Filter<RS2Object> LUMBRIDGE_SOUTH_DOOR = new Filter<RS2Object>() {
    		public boolean match(RS2Object o) {
    			if (o != null
    					&& (o.hasAction("Open"))
    					&& o.getY() < YYYY
    					&& o.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Door")) {
    				return true;
    			return false;
  3. Hey czar,

    After you past couple updates on perfect crabs I I decided to buy czar experiments. All is well untill now... I started the bot around 8pm est and everything worked great but due to a few people calling me a bot I was forced to move locations so I stopped the bot and restarted it when I got to the location. When I started it back up nothing happened. Any idea on what could have happened ?


    Hmm, you'll have to give me more information than that, try running the script now and see what happens, if nothing still happens, I will investigate the issue. I do have an idea though, which experiment spot did you go to? Did you change anything from that last run?


    I haven't made any recent changes, so if this script worked last time it should keep working and so on, also, make sure to use the latest client .40

  4. Just got a 2 day ban on my account using free p****bots, willing too pay the money for this bot, just want to get some external views on how good this really is smile.png thanks guys. P.S, ive read all these pages and Czar you are an incredible scripter mate, very up to date, keep it up bro !


    Thanks mate, so far I think I've fixed the aggressive mode, other than that the script works fine. The aggressive option was causing problems a few versions ago, however I made some changes in v2.15.

  5. Well I've ran this bot for a total of...10 hours.        6 hours straight at one point and an hour at a time each time after my character has been permanently banned.  I sent an appeal but I'm not holding my breath. GF 4.99 and Gf a decent pure.  The first bot i tried on this character was yours too so if very safe to say that it was your script that permed my account (One of the risks of even botting in the first place but i'm just throwing that out there for the record)

    Range guild scripts are just simply too dangerous to use I guess..even paid versions.


    Wow, unlucky man :( Is your IP flagged or something (did you get banned on another account using another script or anything?), because one user achieved 99 ranged quite recently (a few posts above) which requires at least 100hrs+ of botting.. So that's strange.

  6. does this script still worth buying>>??

    Well it is the most popular range guild script in OSBot and it works well


    Version 4.1


    - Fixed paint

    - Fixed visibility

    • Like 2
  7. Stil haven't fixed the issue where when you're standing on top of the competition judge, you just stand there and do nothing. Please fix

    Will fix this immediately, thought the client fixed the visibility issue already

    • Like 1
  8. got stuck at karamja going banking just walking back and forth. osbot 2.3.41

    Thanks for this awesome script. again

    Where exactly did it get stuck, and where did it walk, and did the script correct itself

    Alright I have added some updates to the script to make it perform better and more efficiently.


    Version 2.99


    - Fixed broken font in paint

    - Fixed getting stuck in port sarim (happened randomly)

    - Added more accurate price grabber (more accurate profit)

  9. mate it would be great if you put world hop because I bought this thinking it had it already like every good script should.


    Mate all you had to do was ask, world hopping will feature in the next update including an option to hop at X players

    • Like 2
  10. No I mean by when you can't make crabs come alive anymore it just stands on top of the crab and continues to click as if it was trying to attack. But it sorted itself out. Nice script m8 going to buy your ranging script next heard great things about it!

    Edit: started it 5 mins ago. Just standing there.. About 15 spaces away from cave doing nothing just sitting there... Dunno what's wrong with it. Happens on multiple occasions too. Starting to get pissed...


    Make sure you are not using aggressive mode for now, there have been some rough patches with the OSBot client (i'm sure it will be fixed in the coming versions) but in the meantime just don't use that mode. If there are still problems then post it and I will take another look and provide a workaround fix to these issues until the client is sorted.


    @Non its 4.99

  11. If it only withdraws when you manually open the bank, there is an issue with opening it (bank.open()). Personally, I have never it used due to the very same reason this thread is posted.


    However, in the meantime you'll just have to do the plain old RS2Object bankBooth = getObjects().closest("Bank booth"); or, create a filter for it to find all bank booths with the 'Bank' option to get rid of closed bank booths etc (this also applies to bank npcs and bank chests) and interact with it to open the bank.

  12. Sure mate, 


    - Don't bot more than 12 hours/day

    - Don't bot on RS update days (new updates)


    that's it, but if you are worried, you can spend some time legit (quests, pking etc) just to be more safe


    enjoy ;)

    • Like 1
  13. updated to .40 and i think the bot is broken again ^.^ The fishing spot runs out and it doesnt move to the next spot i think thats the issue, whenever i check on it the bot is logged out and when i log back in he has only about half an inventory of fish.

    I added a delay to changing fishing spots so that it doesn't look like a bot. Also, enable Anti-AFK in the GUI to stop it from logging out. I will make some tests to make sure everything is working, however.

    Thanks for the feedback, will update in ~30 minutes.


    Alright, I fished shrimps @ Karamja and it changed the spots perfectly fine. I'm powerfishing and I enabled anti-afk.

    I will make an update which makes it Anti-AFK by default, and if you want to AFK then you can enable it in the GUI.

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