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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Alright I will move the walking node near the bridge to another place (to avoid walking completely around it), thanks for the feedback :D


    As for the hopping, I will try make that, however if it is in combat, it may cause some problems, but I will add an option for it

  2. @Jagger - don't have ammo in your load inventory, otherwise it will take them out each time, and if it doesn't have them it will throw error logs


    Version 2.31


    - Added failsafe for camelot bank

    - Removed glitch for 'doesnt have XX'

  3. Thanks for the detailed response, I will provide a few immediate fixes to the arrow bug and the walking.


    Version 2.26


    - No longer loots arrows when full inventory

    - Drops junk (vials etc)


    Update should be live within an hour.

  4. Version 2.1


    - Added bones to peaches support

    - Added north experiment spot

    - Added east experiment spot

    - Fixed special attacks

    - Webwalking support


    Update should be live within a few hours :D


    Guys, tell me if the memory usage is getting high, since now I made the script more memory-intensive, it works better however.

  5. Powerfishing on this script is still broken right now (at least when barb fishing). It's still not dropping the full inventory after skipping over fish. This is cutting down the fish per hour down about 50-70 fish. This along with using the mirror client is what is likely slowing down your xp per hour (I'm assuming you're using the mirror client). The xp is going to be pretty slow with anything until mirror client's cpu usage gets fixed.


    I'm only getting 38-39k xp per hour at 90 fishing, 73 strength, and 65 agility. Using the standard client (before the dropping bug on this script) I was getting around 49-50k xp per hour.

    Try anti-pattern dropping if regular dropping, and vice-versa, until I fix this. Somebody should've posted.. I was here relaxing thinking it's fine tongue.png Anyways new update coming soon.

  6. for some reason while i was watcinh it, the bot swiichs from sharks to raw tunas and swordfish wtf lol (it was at 2 hours of run) 


    hmm they have the same options right? Net/Lure or something, I guess I will investigate :P

  7. Alright I pushed the cleaning herbs update for now since it was high priority, now i'll work on adding a slider and improving speed. Although I can't promise any mouse speed, I can provide some nice features to the pattern of the cleaning (snake order or normal order) to improve herbs/hr. 



    Version 1.22


    - Fixed herb cleaning (it now withdraws the GRIMY herb)

    The update may take up to an hour to be verified. 
  8. Version 2.0


    - Re-wrote entire script

    - Walking system completely revamped

    - Interaction system completely revamped

    - Should now attack the spider experiments

    - No longer gets stuck banking

    - No longer gets stuck while walking to experiments


    Update should be live within an hour or two, thanks for being patient guys!

  9. Divinity is doing a sick job tbh. EVEN with exams he manages to script, push updates and release scripts. I'm sitting here with exams too and I haven't done anything close :doge:

    Edit: oops op meant more managers, but its fine atm updates take max 2-3 hours

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  10. got stuck in bank dialogues after 4 hours.


    still the best script ever biggrin.png for fishing


    The regular dialogue that happens when you talk to a banker? If so I will fix this


    EDIT: fixed

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