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Posts posted by Czar


    if (getInventory().isItemSelected()) {

    // item is selected, now "use" the target item

    getInventory().interact("Use", "magic logs");

    } else {

    getInventory().interact("Use", "tinderbox");



    • Like 1
  2. Alright guys apologies for the hopping errors, OSBot recently made an update to world hopping and I need to re-adjust.


    Version 2.55


    - Fixed hopping, now hops to low populated worlds

    - Fixed spec weapons, avoids specing with bad weapons


    Update should be live within an hour.


    Also, I am going to test waterbirth island right now, so expect another update soon, this was just an emergency one. Until this update is live, don't enable world hopping.


    Sorry guys! and thanks for being patient!

    • Like 1
  3. 10/10 there is nothing wrong with this script at all.


    BUT. im making serum 207s for 99 and its making them realllllllly slow seems about 3 seconds per pot.


    I think this is because you need to individually click each ash onto the unfinished tarromin potion. If you could somehow add an increased speed option? i mean it would save me days of botting lol.


    and an increased cleaning speed wouldnt bother me, but it really doesnt bother me. just the slow serium


    Hmm I will try making it a little more faster, however it will sacrifice accuracy so there may be misclicks. I will make it optional though :D

  4. The camera is in a position where a normal player would be able to fish. There is no evidence whatsoever that Jagex use the camera angle to detect bots. They detect it in patterns of activity if anything, thus far more than camera position/movement would be taken into account. If anything, the camera movement may momentarily delay an already imminent ban. Besides, you are using the mirror client, so don't worry too much, unless you start botting 20+ hours/day and feeding jagex camera pattern data.

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  5. when its running back after it goes unagressive it just stops like halfway and doesnt do anything

    im kinda dissapointed cuz i picked this only because of the afk factor, it attacks aggressivly when i dont enable that and gets stuck while walking back from them being unagressive almost every single time and still wont afk

    ive tried using both mthods of afk and neither stay in one place


    Did you stand in your AFK spot when you ran the script? Make sure you do not move, just stand in 1 position.


    And yes, waterbirth is already added, but for now you must set your AFK spot in waterbirth until the sdn manager adds my latest update, sorry for the wait guys! :(

    • Like 1
  6. Well your payment has come through, however there may be a small delay. Just refresh scripts and it will appear when it is processed. In the meantime I will activate the script for you.

  7. Yes this has been an issue for quite some time now, it happens most of the time when attacking npcs larger than 1x1 tiles, the only workaround seems to be the EntityDestination method


    EntityDestination npcDest = new EntityDestination(getBot(), npc);


    which you can use to hover and attack with your mouse. Personally I hover it then call interact if the mouse hovers over it, and for me it has been fine.


    However, don't worry, as the devs are working on a fix for issues like this.



  8. Does afk work for you at east? I can't seem to get it to afk


    Hmm, did you select your own AFK spot? Or did you just enable it normally. If you select your own spot you must stand in that specific position before you start the script

  9. Woops forgot to add it to the options in the GUI :facep:


    Right now if you want to use it you can only set your AFK position there while using afk mode.


    Just added a quick update guys (added waterbirth option to gui) it should be live within an hour

  10. it seems a lil bugged on the west side. when it walks back it just stops and spins the camera and says calculating

    and it wont afk

    yea afk doesnt work at all for me


    well west has always been bugged, I usually focus on the east area but I can make some changes to the west area now that I have added waterbirth

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