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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Well this script is now at the stage where bugs are rare, since I've managed to update this script almost every day since release.


    As for the bans, there have been plenty of people got 99 fishing, and plenty other people who got banned, it's all about how smart you bot, just don't go over 12 hours/day and it's fine

  2. Well you can start here in 33 range + ranging potion, and it depends how you bot, if you take breaks and don't bot over 12 hours/day, it's fine.


    If you use mirror client, you can bot up to 18hrs/day with breaks fine, I haven't tried more, but mirror client = no client detection,


    normal client = detection

  3. Remember to bring food with potions, otherwise the script won't recognize that you should be fighting, also use the latest client (.61), make sure your items are visible in bank, try to leave an inventory space free when loading inventory, other than that I can't think of anything, if these 2 issues that you two have posted still occur, I will do another investigation.


    EDIT: Change the settings around (load inventory items, gui options etc) because I am using the same code throughout my combat scripts and there are no complaints with banking on my flesh crawlers/giant spiders scripts and they use identical code

  4. quick thing i found, runescape was updated last night not sure if that has anything to do with it however the time on exp till 80 (currently lvl 72) says 2 hours.  definitely a calculation error lol  not a biggie but something you might want to check out.  everything else is running great! should be 99 range in no time smile.png will be purchasing your rock crab script once its needed. you're the best

    Don't worry it's just a paint issue, the script still runs perfectly.

    Fixed btw. It should be in version 1.56

  5. Inventory full of food and died to hobgoblins. Had I not been babysitting and been in an empty world, would of lost 3m. Do not train at west unless you have defense...


    Well west does say buggy, and it's generally a bad idea to go there if you don't have defence since the goblin will attack you, however I will try and make it only stay south of the west area

  6. Well I can't convince you with words, so here's a picture




    and the account is still not banned: the same user is going for 100 hours on my other script:




    • Like 1
  7. seems to not recognize my inventory (says it is full of nulls) and goes to bank


    Log out, and log back in again - this is due to hooking the client while logged in


    @Lithium I will fix it, although I've never had issues with paths o_O

  8. Ah didn't know that thank you.


    One more thing lol.


    I heard its possible to add an AI feature so your bot can talk back if people ask you something? is that possible?


    Well the cleverbot API is available, but I'd have to tune it to support RS terminology, sounds like a good idea though

  9. Thank you once again, Hey quick question by the way!


    Everytime I leave the bot enabled with afk mode on, the bot logs itself out after 4-5 hours being on. Idk if its Osbot or what.


    But I had the bot on today for 2 hours, and when I came home it logged itself out


    Yeahh AFK mode sometimes makes the user log out, since it doesn't do anything for minutes, if you disable it then you won't log out anymore

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