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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Make sure to use the latest client + mirror client, the banking code hasn't changed


    @Non sure mate I will give you a trial, but right now the script isn't 100% flawless yet, so I would rather give the trial when it is

  2. Hi Czar,

    Could I please have a trial of this script? It's because I'm not sure whether or not I should purchase it yet.




    Which script of mine do you have, and why aren't you sure yet :P I am curious, because I want to remove all your doubt ;)

  3. To provide more constructive feedback now that the anger of wasting my money has subsided xD...


    As others have brought up, the script never seems to switch between experiments. It just gets stuck and waits for the same one to respawn, murdering exp/hr. It'd be awesome if the script would click the minimap to get to the closest entity. Hell, even if you just had an array with all of their spawn locations and had the player check nearby spawns it'd be way, way better.


    The southwest location is terrible. If you continue to go down the hallway at the current southwest location, there is a room with 4-5 experiments that's almost always empty from bots AND players.


    When the bot walks from canafis, regardless of the location I pick, it will stand in the main room in the center for 60 seconds - couple minutes and just chill there. I have no idea what could possibly cause that. The bot will be on it's merry way, stop for a potion sip, and then just hang out there. At that point I generally WALK manually to where I want to go and restart the script.


    Alright thank you for the list, I will go through every location and make sure it's 100%.


    Which locations have you actually tried though, the most western one was the old one which has worked always, is that the one that's currently f'ed up?

  4. Hello Czar, I bought your Spider script yesterday and I am very satisfied - great script. Wondering if I could have some kind of trial of this script before buying it? smile.png




    Yes you may, since you have my spiders script :D

    • Like 1
  5. No worries I'll make sure it's 100% optimized,


    I will tweak the camera so that it starts moving to the next experiment WHILE it is killing an experiment already, so that it can just click it and fight it with no xp waste.


    How's the camera pitch? Does it constantly stay at the top so the npc's aren't visible? OR does it actually lower so it can catch more npcs in the view.


    More updates coming soon, I still haven't gotten my account ready yet but it will be here today


    Never mind, version 3.22 has the fixed one I must've forgot to push it. That's why I was confused because it's working on my end.


    Anyways I pushed it, and it should be live within an hour or so.


    Version 3.22


    - Pathfinding is now improved

    Edit: Also can you implement a straight forward dropping without wait times and randomized path drops?



    Yes I can and will, but after OSBot fixed their dropAll method it kinda does the job now, all it needs is randomized drops, which I will most likely add to anti-pattern mode - since I can just use it from my magic script


    there will be various patterns, randomized ones too, which involves the zig zag pattern, the snake pattern and other styles which drop items based on their proximity to the mouse.


    How's the new update? I need to make sure it doesn't walk to rimmington so I can move on to smaller features

  7. Oops forgot to add the GUI for hopping, I will add it right now for version 0.07.


    @Presumptuous, can you explain more about the GE banking stuck and upstairs? I thought it was getting stuck upstairs at camelot


    As for the waiting for tree to spawn, I can add that

  8. Sorry im new here how long does this generally take? im assuming goes through a system to prevent hacking / password siphoning. 


    Well it's usually done a few times a day, but maybe the sdn manager is busy atm 

  9. Never mind, version 3.22 has the fixed one I must've forgot to push it. That's why I was confused because it's working on my end.


    Anyways I pushed it, and it should be live within an hour or so.


    Version 3.22


    - Pathfinding is now improved

  10. With banking, check axe (not able to equip D axe), and old style deposit selected at the Grand Exchange Yews, sometimes the bot would deposit my axe in the bank and sit there with the bank page open. I would have to withdraw the axe and start the bot again. The bot looks very clean and runs smoothly most of the time! Great work


    I will fix this immediately, thanks for the feedback

    • Like 1
  11. Version is still 3.21, script still runs to rimmington sad.png

    Any idea when your fix is getting pushed?


    Can you provide some details about this, 


    - fishing spot

    - fishing type

    - what state you were in (banking, fishing, walking)

    - client version

    - mirror version

    - any other details

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