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Posts posted by Czar

  1. Just purchased the script, have spent about two hours so far trying to figure it out. At waterbirth, it works at the west afk spot fairly well so far but found an issue where the bot won't right click Jarval to travel and struggles to get through the text dialog. So i guess banking is out for that :/ Next, the goal time to level seems way off, where right now I'm looking at 14 hours to my next level, while the next goal level is only an hour and a half until. When running at west crabs, for me atleast, I've watched it kill 2-3 crabs and leave to go to the East side and come back. Just some things I've noticed, I don't know if some of these are user input error when starting up the script but just thought I'd leave my thoughts.


    Edit: Waterbirth is also buggy. Bot will randomly leave the spot to attack all wandering crabs and also if/when it comes back gets stuck in the most western square where one of the crab spawns are, unable to attack the other. 


    Waterbirth is still in beta mode, I have yet to continue testing on it, I will do some more testing today and make sure it is flawless :D

  2. Holy shit good job guys, loving the proggies :D 


    More more more :D I want to keep filling up my gallery with sick progress reports :D


    If anybody can beat the 100 hour proggy, I will give them 10M rsgp, if you don't manage to reach it (due to rs updates and whatnot), at least post the progress reports :D

  3. Hi Czar,


    Is it fine if i switch to mirror mode to bot now then? Cheers.




    Definitely, it is especially useful if you start a new account (without ever logging in the normal osbot client), so that there are no traces of logging into a modified rs client at all. This reduces your ban chance by a great amount.




    However, I have added an anti-pattern mode which helps to reduce bans, so it is advised to enable that option, as for the client it really doesn't matter that much if you have this option enabled

  4. That'd be spectacular. I wanna get 99 construction on my self-sufficient account and making mahogany tables would be the most efficient. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm not sure if you need the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest done, but if you need an account with it done, I can help. Fetch IDs, screen captures, videos with debugged info, just let me know.


    No need, I have an account + I will look at some videos on youtube on how it's done :P thanks though :D

    • Like 1
  5. Well Mahogany Trees are tough. There are these trees on Ape Atoll but we'd get murdered by the jungle. There are these trees on Miscellania, but you have to travel far and through a cave horror cave. The most logical ones to chop are Tai Bwo Wannai, but it requires trading sticks and banking through an NPC.


    Will expand on Tai Bwo Wannai, at the moment all I have is trading sticks support without banking, but it will be here by version 0.11, perhaps even in the next version depending on how fast I can code it

    • Like 1
  6. Just got a 2 day ban using this bot sad.png Sighhh


    Are the chances of me getting perm banned higher if I continue to use this bot?


    After a 2 day, it's unwise to even bot anything, anymore :( sorry to hear man.


    It must've been the client detection, you should invest in mirror client - it will reduce bans by a great amount, I'm currently 80 80 85 on my new main from experiments and giant spiders (started the account in april 1st) and haven't been banned yet, using mirror mode only

    • Like 1
  7. CZAR can you add a feature where you can turn the "Special Attack" On/off for the DRAGON AXE? It just spams the ULTI, chop chop! And when you're woodcutting with it, people think your a bot because you don't say anything and spam the ulti.


    As well can you add a "SAVE FEATURE" button like in you're rock crabs bot


    Sure I will add an option for using the special attack, and I will make the GUI be saved, 


    these updates will feature in version 0.10

    Possible to implement banking from our custom locations?


    Well I have around 30 banks added, is your custom location located in the RS normal map (falador, varrock, lumbridge etc) or is it somewhere where there aren't much players? I will try and add more banks around the entire RS world map, but if you want to speed up the process, pm me the bank location and I'll add it

    • Like 1
  8. Anyone else having the issue of the script not talking to competition judge?


    edit: nvm problem corrected itself after a couple of client restarts


    Just make sure you are up to date (osbot client + mirror jar if using mirror mode) and it will be fine, if there are any issues I will fix asap.

    • Like 1
  9. Hmm make sure to use the latest client, and if you are using mirror mode, the latest mirror jar. If you are using both these and still have issues, I will provide an update immediately.

  10. Basically the top of my inventory has 4 super strength, then invo full of sharks. But at the very bottom right it has 1 camelot tab.

    And yes I do have the latest version, I keep on top of my things.


    Okay I will patch this very soon, I have fixed this in my other scripts and I will just apply the update here.


    Version 2.58


    - Banking method improved

    - Added temporary option for attacking free-roaming crabs (with no target)


    Update should be live within a few hours :D

  11. I have done that, I just cant get the bot to bot for a long time without me manualing having to stop the script and start again for it to work. Could you maybe update banking support?


    Hmm you must be doing it wrong then, how does your inventory layout look like, post a screenshot


    also, are you using the latest client? if not... :facep:

  12. Hi, very nice bot, but one thing I feel left out with is that once it has eaten all the food it teleports away and it doesn't always re-stock on food it just walks down again and eventually my account dies. I've just lost my ranger boots due to this. Any ideas why it does this?



    Make sure to load your inventory when starting the script, otherwise it won't recognize your food

  13. yeah, i dont think you got what i mean though, I'm talking about the rock crabs that are just roaming around because some1 went near them but left the area so they just walk around


    Yeah dw i got you, i just didnt explain myself well enough :P i will definitely add this

    • Like 1
  14. from scale of 1 to 10, how good is this on mirrormode?

    and where is the purchase button .-.






    nah but mirror is slower with every script, they all work fine but it's just a little slower (for scripts that need objects or npcs), however mirror seems to work extremely well with scripts that only require inventory (e.g. fletching)


    edit: managed to get 1-40 ranged just fine with it on mirror mode on my new pure :P

    • Like 1
  15. Could you make it attack rock crabs that are up and aren't getting attacked by any other players please? I often find worlds where ppl make all the crabs agro so that most bots are useless


    I will probably add a slider which goes from 0-10 which sets things e.g.


    1 - attack your own

    2 - attack other crabs

    3 - attack other open crabs


    10 - attack all crabs


    or perhaps a single option

  16. hi there, it sometimes get stuck in the clothes shop after banking in Canifis, can you please fix this thanks :)!



    Open the console log and screenshot it whenever it gets stuck and I will fix it asap. I need more details

  17. this bot is stuck in bank now constantly, sad.png starts up runs to bank stays stuck in bank.

    please fix soon senpai QwPha8E.png


    Mirror mode? Make sure to hook the client while NOT logged in, otherwise inventory becomes null.


    If non mirror mode, restart the client, there was an RS update today and it might've messed it up


    Also, make sure to load inventory correctly otherwise it will always go to bank and search for food

  18. CZAR is it possible if you could fix the "time to 99" on the bot? I mean it never goes over the 23 hour mark? could you fix, like if it takes 60 hours? could it have that number on there?


    yes I can fix this, i need to change the calculations


    @Potential customers - this is just a paint calculation, the script still works :D

  19. Once in a while it gets stuck near the cave trying to roatate the camera.


    A bigger issue is that it keeps getting stuck running back and forth to the bank


    It dosent bank, it gets stuck above the real estate agents house, and it also gets stuck on the bridge




    also, constant 3-4 second lags every 3-5 seconds, nly present in your script



    Hmm the lag seems like your internet lag, try going to a world with lower ping (any world near your location)


    As for the getting stuck in the path, it does find the way there? Or not, I need to find out before I investigate the issues

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