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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm I will post a quick update for fighting areas with a lot of npcs, update coming up ^^
  2. I am forced to release an air orbs as a separate script since there are 3 orb scripts now and they will complain (due to market rules) As for trial, good luck, yes curse + high alch is supported of course ^^
  3. It works for everybody else and works for me too, make sure you are setting up the bot correctly, there must be food in the inventory loadout, otherwise just enable deathwalk mode ^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I still need to add menaphites and then I will try and make the blackjack sequence more efficient, it is still a beta feature apologies everybody
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    For dorgeshuun I will most likely be buying an account in the market section with high agility and just finishing the quest so I can add the agility course, it should be very easy since I coded the agility system in a way which makes adding new courses really easy ^^ thanks for all feedback everybody and gl on trials ^^ ;)
  6. Done good luck, if anybody is planning on goldfarming, now is the perfect time, 3 days of low ban rate! Iron bars will be coming to this script soon, just need to re-design the code since everything was coded for coal support
  7. refresh scripts, i just removed and re-activated trial
  8. Czar


    Let me know if the client doesn't start up, I think the recent RS update messed up the client though
  9. Czar


    Cmon man the instructions are on the range guild paint, on the thread and literally on the few posts above Here I intentionally turned off ESC mode - notice how the bot is doing nothing..... Then, once I set mouse zoom to default, the bot instantly started working There, the script works like a charm
  10. Banking is supported and is really simple, all you have to do is click 'Load inventory' with the items that you wish to take from bank, e.g. a typical bank setup would be: 25 Lobsters 1 Strength potion(4) for example, carry those items then click 'Load inventory' the bot will save the settings and use that banking setup for the future good luck edit: activated all trials above, gl all, 24 hours ^^
  11. Czar


    Try restoring the hotkeys to default in the settings interface, if not, just set mouse zoom to default (by right clicking) and it will activate non-esc mode. For some reason, users who set custom hotkeys mess up the esc detection system. But you can still run the script without esc mode, but the mouse zoom MUST be on default, otherwise the bot will be confused. Once you configure the startup, the bot will run flawlessly, so good luck ^^
  12. botting with bank-related spells are incredibly low banrate, don't worry ^^ just avoid botting 24/7 and it's all good activated 24h trial, good luck ;)
  13. There was an RS update today, just restart the bot client, should be fine
  14. Refresh scripts and the script will show up, good luck ;) I activated the script temporarily until payment is processed so don't worry ^^ As for trial, good luck, 24h trial ;)
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done good luck all ;)
  16. Posted a quick update for the loot item above certain price feature, should be in 0.095 of the script, it was a quick update I just had to convert the code from one of my other scripts, should be live today. As for rare drop table, should I add a button to open the window for rare drop table checkboxes? @trials done gl 200 hour trials now
  17. done good luck ;) Rock crabs ban rate has lowered, since sand crabs are the new botting area, so make sure to bot responsibly and you will never get banned ! ;) gl all
  18. You need to start the 'Creature of frankenstein' or w/e quest to access experiments
  19. I don't think there are any bots on OSBot with Zeah mining, but I do plan on adding Zeah features to the script because I want this script to be the first Zeah mining script on the market ^^
  20. I need suggestions for the looting tab, if anybody has an idea of what to add to the script just say, the latest update is: (bone burying), but there is still room for another box in the setup window, currently unsure what to add as for trials, activated gl as for the withdraw-x, I will add an update ASAP, just waiting for this version to be added Just for a quick re-cap (version 0.09): - Banking and walking are fixed for all underground npcs e.g. (stronghold, experiments) - Stop condition for time is fully working now (stops after amount of hours/minutes) - bone burying - deathwalk - Added a delay for looting items, no longer spam clicks, but waits dynamically
  21. Can't wait until update is live, the script will be back to normal Prior to this, the anti-idle feature I added in this script has been working amazingly well, had no bug reports in months ^^ Only reason for the script lately is that I wanted to make the script launch faster, and it ended up changing some walking system code EDIT: Update is now live, good luck everybody, script is back to normal!
  22. Yes don't worry I have fixed everything, just waiting on update by admin. ^^
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