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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Does it really click the map? I will post a fix asap
  2. Ahh I think OSBot blocks file choosers, give me a few mins I will make sure everything is back to normal. Sorry guys I will make sure the script is runnable for everybody
  3. Hmm it's working only on my computer (same profile , cows lumbridge, looting cowhides etc) but it's not working when I run it on SDN though I will speak to a dev ASAP. It must be a startup issue involving fight profiles. Once I handle the startup, the script will be runnable, give me a few mins. If there is an error, copy + paste the error log
  4. Check the console log (osbot client -> top right -> settings -> show console)
  5. done good luck I worry the script is not starting up at all on the SDN, I need to check if there is an error. If anything, just make sure you save fighting profiles in OSBot/Data/perfect_fighter/ folder. that is the only folder supported, otherwise nothing will even start, or run The osbot security manager doesn't allow any files to be created or loaded outside the osbot directory for security purposes, so just use the folder above ^
  6. Done, gave you trial for stronghold since you were posting errors/bugs on another stronghold script, gl ;) Hopefully you will make the right choice this time Activated fighter script too, gl Alright no worries, save the fighting profile if you want, it makes everything quicker ^^
  7. Which settings did you select? (which fight npc, fight area etc) Check console for any info @Bradf3rd activated trial, gl ;)
  8. For runite mining, it's more stable to use heroes guild and quickhop, because wildy is untested atm, I made it walk to mage bank. But I haven't tested with OSBot webwalker, perhaps it's even better, since the devs just added an update to osbot webwalker like 2-3 days ago
  9. Hmm I've never killed imps for ecu keys but I guess I can see how it's done on youtube and possibly add them in ^^
  10. EDIT: will update this post asap - just got another reply from upload thread
  11. done, re-activated gl ^^ I got a reply from admins, they are still doing the code review then it will be uploaded, I can't wait, it's been like 3 weeks or so
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    it was 48 hour trial, gl ;)
  13. done good luck all ;)
  14. Well in stronghold there's only 2 real safespots, 1 in the south east area of flesh crawlers and the other safespot is in the completely south ankou area, if you know any other safespot areas just tell me I will add them to the script ASAP Or do you mean like dynamic safespots, like just standing behind a low wall and attacking on the other side (minotaurs?) even if there are npcs around you
  15. If the walking ever bugs out, try the next walking option, I added 4 walking options just in case anything happens. Atm OSBot webwalker does the agility shortcut near falador wall but it also uses teleports so I just use the next one (next-gen walker) and if that ever messes up I use the old walker which has been working for months. I don't even think it supports some areas which require doors. (but the other walking options do) Lemme know how the other walking options go, I will be fixing any bugs if necessary
  16. Atm it just has leech mode, should I add pedaling? If so just tell me how it works and it will be in this script ASAP
  17. New update! Version 0.74 - Crafting guild fixed - Unreachable rocks are now handled properly update will be live within a few hours, just waiting on admins to register update ^^
  18. Script released, good luck all Accepting trials, just post if you want a trial GE mode will be added before friday this week, in preparation for goldfarming ^^
  19. I am almost done with the update - I'm working on adding the 1-55 auto button and then I will publish the update ASAP ^^ Right now I only perfected re-stock mode for a single task, I still need to make it so it works with task mode Here is a preview of the next update: (setup was: buy 2k logs -> fletch into headless arrows -> restock) ended up doing 2 whole re-supplies before stopping the script I made it so if an item doesn't get bought, the bot will wait and move mouse/camera while waiting to avoid logging out
  20. I will add another update ASAP, to add an extra safety check in case the new anti rock crab combat happens Latest update is now version v0.89
  21. I removed the map interface, it's useless since I added 'Use my spot' mode, it will use the fighting area that the bot is standing on and it will avoid walking away from it ^^ If you guys want the map interface back, I can easily re-enable it with a single button
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will try to make some changes, blackjack mode is literally the worst thing to code There's still yet to be a real blackjack script for osrs (across all clients)
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