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Everything posted by Czar

  1. thanks for the bug reports, I will be posting some bug fixes asap. Atm the last update I posted isn't even live yet, IDK what's going on @bot dying, which npc killed the bot? Regardless, I will make sure the safespot tile is even more strict so the bot doesn't die ^^ @upgrading bow/weapons, I will make a system for that ASAP, I will have to convert everything from the slayer script. @Task switching, you mean switching between mage and range? I need to make a window of some form to set magic spell and range bow, but I do think it's possible ^^ @Tevez the update isn't live yet I will activate the trial for 100 hours this time, just waiting on the update to be registered ^^
  2. I gotta say, I went to a shift world and while it was good exp/profit, I think it got one of my accs bot busted 3/20 of my accs are bot busted but the rest are fine As for knights sword quest, I posted an update for v0.20, should be much better. I even included a walking system option (there's 4 options) just make sure not to choose OSBot Webwalker, it's really bad for multitasking (eating food while walking/running from ice warriors) which may cause the bots to die. As for the angles, aren't the angles the same for every blast furnace user? Since you gotta either use the conveyor belt or the bank. I wanted to make the bot pre-hover the bank to increase exp/profit, but I can make it move less I guess ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done gl on trial ;) Next update will be ReadyClick update for pickpocketing feature, should be out for version v1.13 ^^
  4. The new update should be live any moment now (v0.07) - Experiments fixed - Item names fixed (when adding bank/loot items) - Nearest NPC target fixed - Amulet bug fixed - Mouse movement fix - Added a delay for looting items can't wait until update is live ^^
  5. Done gl all Going to post some updates (new features added) today just making sure everything is perfect
  6. Restart client, should be a mirror mode issue I believe Works fine after testing it on both mirror and stealth for me I will still post an anti-error code so the error doesn't happen regardless
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Still waiting for admins to register the last update (v1.02) should take a few more hours I believe, so I activated 48 hour trial instead of 24, gl ;)
  8. Czar


    Ah man, it's always sad to hear about bot bans There was a ban wave on friday though, a few users were also banned Usually on p2p accounts , it's just a 2 day ban though, so it's not too bad I guess ? ^^
  9. Version 0.19 should be live any moment, finally fixed the GE Bug, and it's one step closer to fully automated GE support, and the profit/bars should be a bit faster still, good job on proggies EDIT: THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO GOLDFARM BLAST FURNACE, you are missing out if you are not farming blast furnace ! a blast furnace account can be setup in less than half an hour! Quick notes: - if you start the script anywhere OTHER than blast furnace, it will activate GE mode automatically, so please, if you just want to use blast furnace without GE mode, just start the script inside the actual blast furnace area Quick proggy: (steel bars lmfao) now imagine ~300k profit * 20 accounts
  10. thank you all for the bug reports and suggestions, I will be posting a batch of updates ASAP. I will also be activating green dragons in the next version too Will update this post again within an hour or so ^^ I will extend all trials, if anybody wants some trials just ask, the sdn limit is 10 auths but there's still some free slots
  11. I wanted to make the finding of npcs more random so I made it gather all nearby npcs (even some that are far away) and choose randomly, I guess I will make it filter out the 3-4 closest ones and choose. The aim was to increase antiban, but looks like the logic doesn't apply too well to larger npc areas, I will add some updates ASAP ^^ The mouse does move outside screen for more antiban, I will make it optional though, and yeah there is a save option but OSBot client doesn't allow to save outside the OSBot/Data directory and it blocks saving completely I will contact the devs again hopefully I get a solution Added some more trials, good luck everybody
  12. Alright I made it do the guide price + random (25, 60) price, and after a few hours of coding and bug testing, I managed to make GE mode work much better Also, added an update so the bot doesn't go to bank while waiting for bars to cool down Preview: Latest version is v0.18, ignore the version above
  13. Refresh scripts, the script should appear now, good luck guys ;)
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New update! Version 1.02 - Patched delay for pickpocketing - Cancelled pickpockets are detected and improved - Fixed up setup window for chests, now it will say Blood rune chest and Paladin chest (king lathas castle) - Added walk-back for blood and paladin chest, it will now walk back to the chests after being teleported update will be live within a few hours, good luck all ;)
  15. Iron ore price seems to be sky high atm, but I guess I will have to add an update to the setup interface to set own prices, atm I just set very high prices and whatever price sells, sells ^^ Also guys, next update will be an update for questing stage and GE mode, I am going to go through the entire code and iron out any bugs, since both modes are still experimental so I gotta make sure they are perfect EDIT: Posted a new update for GE mode, latest version is now v0.18 , can't wait until update is live
  16. GE mode only works for restocking bars, not buying the quest items. Quest items must be done manually (for now) but it will have some nice updates in the next versions Check the main thread for the startup inventory for questing ^^ But I will make some changes to the script so that it is more intuitive and less confusing I guess I will also add some updates to GE mode since I noticed there could be some improvements, especially to the pricing of items (coal should be 250 instead of 300 each) here's a quick proggy, atm the world is kinda slow but it will be faster in a few hours
  17. I think the update is live, the script is still not released though but quick note: - green dragons and unicows and rock crabs are not in this update yet, I didn't enable the wildy webwalking code yet, but all other npcs should be fine all users in the last page of this thread have been authed, gl ^^
  18. Update is now live, GE mode is also live, good luck everybody ;)
  19. The fighter should be runnable after the devs add the new update, they haven't registered updates in 2 days now wtf @Skype = in my sig Sorry guys I had to make a new skype , now I will be re-adding everybody ^^
  20. CTRL + Refresh scripts and good luck Also guys, in the next update - if you start the script with coins in inventory, and you haven't got the smithing level or anything done (fresh off tutorial island), and if you have some gp, the bot will buy all the necessary items needed for the questing stage ^^ Like so:
  21. noo the latest version is 0.17, that version has GE mode but I manually set it to false because it had a bug I didn't want to risk any bugs, and now I fixed it so it should be good in this version. I would say the update will be live in around 2-3 hours max
  22. For GE mode, once the update goes live, make sure that you have at least 10 varrock tabs, and some GP I made it so the bot will assume prices at: Coal: 250gp each ore: price + 50gp each and if you are less than 60 smithing, it will add 50gp to the calculation It will say in paint how many ores it can buy, e.g. if I can buy 400 mithril ore it will say 'Should buy: 400 mithril, 800 coal' Here is how the update looks:
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