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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Update for law runes balloon method and lavas coming up EDIT: Guys, if using pouches, please make sure the script is started with all the pouches and all the chosen pouches are enabled on the setup interface, otherwise the script will not work whatsoever
  2. No the script is still working but the new version (v71) has a few more features and a few improvements
  3. Guys, added another quick update for rune rocks, latest script version is now v98, update will be live in less than 24 hours good luck everyone - Added a delay for world hopping so that the script doesn't logout
  4. There is already a safespot option it should be the F7 hotkey, and to remove all safespots, the F6 hotkey So the script will choose the current tile as a safespot once the F7 hotkey is triggered
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Added a quick update for ardy knights, the script will now bank for food again latest version is now: v145 update will be live in less than 24 hours good luck everyone
  6. New update coming (v71) - Added an update for rockfalls, script will detect if the vein can be reached before attempting to mine any rockfalls - Added an update for hammers and struts - Added an update for the sector chooser, and for upper floor mode - Few anti-ban and anti-pattern changes - Added beta test for multiple ore runs (deposit, deposit, deposit, etc -> then collect all the ore at the end) BETA test Note: The script supports the multiple ore run option perfectly fine, but the script MUST be configured correctly in order to work; the script must be started with an empty conveyor belt. There will be a warning message upon selecting the option in the setup window just as a reminder. The script cannot detect if there is ore in the conveyor belt - that is the reason why this warning message exists. Next version (after this new update) will have a few more variety in the multiple ore run feature and a few performance updates, stay tuned everyone
  7. Well the script doesn't support range guild but it supports ogres Basically every npc in the game is supported, but minigames (e.g. nmz, range guild) are not supported, perhaps NMZ will be added in the near future I can't add range guild because I already have a range guild script and it would be unfair to those users This script is $9.99 one-time payment - buy once, and the script will be unlimited As for taverley, hmm can you try the first walk-mode option for taverley? The second walk option is mostly for fightzones which are just walking (and no shortcuts etc)
  8. Ah man that is a delayed ban from previous botting, or it may just have been a mass botting ban wave
  9. New update (v97) - Added an update for wildy rune rocks method - Added an update for webwalking - Added piscatoris mining update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck everyone ;)
  10. Can you try the script again? The update was just registered very recently
  11. For the banking part, make sure to configure the banking loadout properly otherwise the script will just try to bank and fail because of not being able to find the chosen items, the best setup is food, any potion(s) (optional), anything aside from that (e.g. 10000 arrows) or any random junk items, will make the script very confused. If the inventory loadout was just food and any potions or something (and no other junk/stackable random items) then confirm it and I will try another test but this is a common situation for not configuring bank loadout properly As for fight tile, make sure that the target fight tile is not an unreachable tile, if anything just try the second walking option it may work better but the first should do fine I will add another quick update so that the script filters out the banking items that are not necessary and another update so that the chosen target tile will be changed to a nearby reachable tile
  12. The script may support quest cape and agility shortcut in the future Activated all trials good luck everyone ;)
  13. Script should be back to normal very soon (it will launch fine again), just waiting on the update to be accepted
  14. Setup interface has now been fixed, just waiting on update to be registered, shouldn't take too long, a few hours max Apologies everyone As for trials, activated 48 hour trials because there is a script update pending Also yes this script is a one-time payment, pay once and the script will have unlimited use
  15. For mac users, are there any errors in the console log? Also make sure to select mac mode otherwise the script may not even launch at all The mac mode option is on the first setup interface (as soon as the script is selected to run) As for trials, activated good luck everyone ;)
  16. What was broken in shilo village? If the script ran for 42 hours it isn't broken I will add more new anti-ban and anti-pattern features though, right now it's best to continously change the walking options in the initial script setup, it adds variety to the anti-pattern Glad to hear the script is working great at barb fishing, good luck everyone I really appreciate the feedback and support A few new features will be coming to the script very soon
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated all trials good luck everyone As for blackjacking, I am currently re-writing the script for blackjacking and more new thieving options, there will be more info very soon, including a few alpha tests within the next 2 versions of the script
  18. Will add a quick update for ranged mode, update coming up EDIT: Update was not necessary, the script runs perfectly well with ranged mode Settings used: rock crabs, east, loot arrows enabled, default sliders Make sure that you have configured the script correctly, the script works very well Also guys, try a different walk-mode (script startup settings) if there's ever any concerns
  19. There was recently an osrs update for cosmic runes, a new version of the script coming up ^^ edit: Latest version of the script is now: v50, the update will be posted ASAP. Update will be live automatically in less than 24 hours, just waiting on the update to be registered Paint will say v50.0 when the script is successfully updated. Changes: - Added an improvement to walking system - Added an update for cosmic altar good luck everyone ;)
  20. Hmm that is the best case scenario I could think of instead of taking breaks in a combat zone, the script will wait a few minutes for breaks to start, commence breaking, then proceed. Guys should I just make the script logout if the breaks are almost triggering? EDIT: or should I make the script stand near the actual bank booth? As for trials, activated good luck ;)
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just fixed seed stalls, should be added with the new version of the script (v144) automatically, apologies everyone Update will be live in less than 24 hours EDIT: All other stalls should be working in the meantime, just waiting on update to be available and the seed stall will be back to normal
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