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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes very common error with mirror client, all scripters have the same complaint unfortunately. We are trying to get a fix for mirror client, I have messaged devs on the OSBot scripter/dev chat. Infamous mirror error: [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 02:33:53 PM]: Error executing event : org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent@a93c95d java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(tj:127) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.isVisible(qo:73) at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(jf:431) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(gh:1) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(gh:290) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.interact(qo:319) at perfect.scripting.b.d.prN.i(ae:677) at perfect.scripting.b.d.prN.k(ae:606) at b.a.nUl.i(dj:1092) at b.a.nUl.onLoop(dj:953) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ji:48) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Unfortunately all we can do is restart clients and hope for the best. Also, to maximize stability: (Optional): Download the OSBot dev client .39, it features better performance for mirror. If the script randomly doesn't work after some time, give it a client restart. To maximize stability: - Don't stay logged in while both mirror client and OSRS client are trying to hook together - Don't use any other clients other than default OSRS client - Set client to fixed mode at all times, restart client if it wasn't already set - Once both clients are hooked (make sure you are still logged out), start to login manually by yourself, enter the game completely manually - Once you're logged in, open some tabs/interfaces, walk around, let the client load for a bit, the mirror works by copying all in-game objects - You can now safely start the script. That will maximize stability, but it's not perfect. Of course, the devs are working on mirror.
  2. Will check out max zoom and edgeville, and gnome stronghold spinning ASAP. Activated trials good luck guys Thanks all
  3. Guys what layouts are you using for banking? It's working perfectly fine for me. Send me some screenshots of your setup windows and I will try the same options and see what happens I need to make sure the bot works for everyone Or do errors happen after a certain time? EDIT: I am working to improve the performance with mirror as we speak, it seems the paint is literally eating up memory since it's too heavy. I will be repairing the hotkeys to hide paint, and will try lowering the script lag as much as possible. Known issues: Breaks are not working at all, and neither is world hopping. These will not be forgotten. I have gathered a list of things to include in the v236 update. The rest of the issues have already been noted (within the last 3 pages of the thread), all copied and pasted into my work log. Client: Please make sure your client looks like this: (fixed mode) and NOT like this: Mirror issues:
  4. Using mirror? Can you use the latest dev build, mirror works better there It shouldn't idle after a few games after that Activated all trials good luck For alching in boat, make sure to disable spell filtering, it will work perfectly I will run some more tests, just in case!
  5. Guys, quick heads up, use the osbot dev build client for better mirror performance, the devs made a few improvements As for the rest, I am almost done with udpate v236 shortly. Thanks for the suggestions/reports, really appreciate those who are detailed, makes updates faster Will be doing further test runs before posting, seems like a few things are not working the same as last few versions. Thanks for your patience, don't forget this is a really really big script. N.B: all posts/comments are noted and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis as usual
  6. Try both of them via trials and judge for yourself may the better script win
  7. New Update (v92) - Completely new pathing system, MUCH more stable - Agility shortcut is now fully 100% supported from both sides, working extremely well - Added 'Enter X pay-dirt to clean', this will replace '81 ore mode' option. You will be able to enter a number to tell the bot when to start cleaning the pay-dirt and turning them into ore to bank. This means that if you set it to 81, the script will begin cleaning pay-dirt and depositing them in the bank until there is none left, and then it will continue mining more pay-dirt, repeatedly. Also, mirror mode recently got some finetuning in the recent OSBot client update, should be more stable :D Activated trials good luck guys :D
  8. Which exact settings? Message if necessary. Are you 100% sure you have set it to fixed mode (not smaller resizable, but actual fixed)? Also, any errors in console log? I will run some tests and help
  9. Czar


    Activated trials good luck guys
  10. Activated trials good luck guys Recently added an update for upper boats too
  11. Seems to be running fine for me at 49/50fps using mirror client, although I did get a few users who are saying it is a bit laggy. I will add some further optimizations I guess. Update v236 coming up EDIT: Hmm perhaps v235 (this update, pending) is better? I removed some cluttering code which lagged the script. The update should be live within a few hours at most.
  12. In the new update I made it so whenever it gets the 'your overload effects have worn out' message, it will drink an overload. How's that, It requires manually drinking the first sip of the overload though. I will be adding an update for NMZ to make it better. How are you using nmz? I recently added an update for the prayer flashing, and for the hp threshold, it will strictly only sip overloads when 51 hp or above, as opposed to the last version's 50 and above. (50 = death, but it should be fixed now to 51 in the new update)
  13. Some people leave scripting related feedback which doesn't count towards real feedback. But if you were a veteran you would know
  14. Which settings did you enable, are you using sand crabs plugin? Which walk setting? Using fixed/resizable? Have you tried hiding the paint? I will make some changes to make the script more optimized and higher performance. I will be adding more improvements to the script's resource-usage.
  15. Please remove scripting related feedback
  16. Which items are you trying to loot? There isn't much to loot from imo, just coins and pickaxes. I will run some tests with some random loot items selected and add an update ASAP As for talking to npc on sand crab isle, make sure to start the script already on the isle. I will be adding support for walking there and taking the boat but you need to be carrying at least 10k gp at all times. As for banking, you gotta set food in the script setup window otherwise the script will be looking for food in the bank and will just keep trying to bank for empty items. Set some random food that you have e.g. 5 lobsters or 5 trout and it should work well, otherwise just enable 'no food' option. As for going to the sand crabs area from anywhere (e.g. lumbridge) I haven't tried it, but I can easily make it do so. Will enable the webwalker to take the boat from port sarim. Thanks guys! Really appreciate the responses and feedback. Stay tuned for the next update Activated all trials good luck
  17. Activated trials good luck guys
  18. Posted a new update, should be working now. If you have the single stronghold scripts from 2015 then please wait for the next SDN update, I will be pushing updates for those very soon.
  19. Set client to fixed mode it should work better, also make sure to use default osrs client when hooking both clients, and hook while logged out, then login manually and start script for optimal stability. In the meantime I will do some test runs and add an update if necessary ^^
  20. EDIT: Don't forget high forum activity too, as well as join date
  21. Yep I was replying to the other guy saying he was using 3 minute breaks. I will add an option so you can choose mine X and drop X, users will be able to type in the desired amount of times to mine and drop, for custom mining. ^^ Mine 3 drop 3 could be useful at the ardy mine too.
  22. Pushed update v235. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Added more features/fixes to the script since the last post, many of which have been mentioned above. - Move mouse outside -> patched - Stronghold idle -> patched - Ammo looting GDK -> patched - NMZ -> patched And a lot more which I haven't mentioned. Thanks guys, next update is in the works as we speak. Will be adding more locations, including chasm of fire and a few others which I have missed. Next update will also be slayer-orientated.
  23. Technically I can't advertise the script as including NMZ, because the script only supports a basic NMZ script that simply drinks overloads, absorption and flashes rapid heal prayer occasionally. If you're asking about a guide or something, then I will be including a full guide on the script website which is launching in the coming weeks hopefully
  24. Just a quick heads up guys, from now on there will be a new folder for profiles (separately) to not clog up your OSBot data folder. The path that the script will load all profiles from will be: User/OSBot/Data/perfectfighter/profiles/ And there will no longer be an option to choose profile, instead it will just be a simple dropdown menu loading all of your profiles as so: This new interface works for all operating systems, including Mac OS and all Linux-based/derived systems, as well as. The new "Save" button will save the current setup options (if you have already selected a profile), and the "Save As.." will prompt the user to set a name for their new profile. Please move all your fighter profiles from OSBot/Data/ to OSBot/Data/perfectfighter/profiles/ if you have any important profiles. Otherwise, as soon as the new update goes live it will do so automatically.
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