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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Well there is an update pending so I gave double trial time until update v13.0 goes live Good luck
  2. Posted a quick update for v231.5, update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Next official update is almost ready, just had to get this one out of the way! Apologies for any inconvenience. Safespotting and looting is flawless in this version now V232 will have bonus features and a few things I wanted to support in this script, and a few other things patched too What did you select so that the gear is un-clickable? It's working fine for me:
  3. New Update (v61) - Added a few patches to walking system - Obstacle system improved - Script now walks to far-away objects and npcs perfectly well, including flesh crawlers. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, the paint will say v61.0 when the update is live. Thanks guys
  4. Added trials for both of you, good luck guys Pump is being worked on now
  5. Done good luck guys Thanks for all the support I really appreciate it
  6. Giant seaweed method isn't supported just yet but I can maybe add it, just need a few more levels and I will code it
  7. Which spell is that? I will add more failsafes. Try using stealth injection vs mirror, mirror is not really useful for magic anyway.
  8. Will make some changes in the upcoming update. Got a few spells to improve after the new client updates! In the meantime please setup your magic tab like this:
  9. Update coming up, stay tuned! Apologies for any inconvenience. I need to make some changes for the new client update! EDIT: For attack potions and running to bank - you need to set some food in the bank layout (even if you don't need food) so that the script understands it will be safe from dying.
  10. There is no need to post with larger font, I am able to read just fine! Will check out stronghold of security door questions and glory mode. I suspect that glory needs fixing, which I will do ASAP. If you are using mirror mode please confirm it! I recently improved stronghold questions too, so either they changed it or it could be a client bug.
  11. You must add food to the script bank layout otherwise the script will just complain that there is no food.
  12. Checking stats and stuff is not a good idea for anti-ban, but I will add some extra customization stuff so you can choose what to do, and each user can have a unique profile.
  13. Character#getAnimationSpot() yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. Yay Some bugs I mentioned have been fixed
  15. Make sure to launch mirror client while logged out. And make sure to use default OSRS launcher. Once both clients are hooked, login manually then start the script. This is the best setup/configuration for mirror mode so that everything initializes correctly. Aside from that, are you loading/saving profiles? Started script near target npc? This script is forever, pay once and enjoy forever All mentioned above are supported, activated trials good luck guys. Thanks for the feedback too - added to upcoming update list Will try to get Swamp crabs within the upcoming updates too. Doesn't seem too high req Discord server and website - being finalized as we speak As for sandcrabs - restart client, login manually and start the script. Should work ^^ Please confirm. Glory house teleport is a good idea, will convert from my runecrafting script and add support to this script Thanks guys!
  16. Czar


    Glad to hear that you guys enjoy it too, please post some progress reports!
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Well food isn't supported, the script will just eat whatever food you have in inventory. I still need to add food re-stocking via noted food -> general store un-note. Will be adding jug of wine buying nearby too. How was the actual blackjacking part? Pickpocketing too fast/too slow?
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Blackjack is currently experimental, activated trial good luck ^^
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done good luck on trials guys
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Make sure to enable dodgy necklace and the withdraw amount in the setup window, it will withdraw that exact amount As for script trial, how is the script? Any criticism/feedback? I will add updates ASAP
  21. Will be adding an update to arrows and their speeds. Update coming up As for script after 10 mins, any error logs in console log? I will help ASAP
  22. Thanks for the reviews/suggestions and feedback guys. Really appreciate it Currently working on the next version as we speak ^^ Stay tuned
  23. Tome of fire isn't supported yet, but I will be adding support for those in the upcoming update. Almost ready guys ^^ Apologies for the delay, I was supposed to add the update last week but I ran into some code which needed tweaks/changes and a bit of re-writing. But it's all good
  24. Weird, you must've botted using other scripts (perhaps even free scripts?) before using this one. Minigame bans within 3 hours are impossible.. unless you have a bad botting history. Read this guide on how to avoid bans
  25. Posted update v54, slightly more efficient. Other than that, it is perfect in terms of memory usage. If using mirror mode.. you are running 2 clients so naturally there is slightly more lag. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys If you guys want, I can do a script re-write and re-design the entire script from scratch and make it as low-memory as possible, with optimizations everywhere. Just let me know how v54 goes first
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