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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I have yet to add ornate pools, I am a few levels away from unlocking ornate rejuvenation pool, I guess I will get 83 for ornate jewellery box too. Until then I cannot name any prices or anything before building a quick prototype, shouldn't take too long ^^ I need to get GP legit, then train construction legit all the way No master/worker progress reports yet, since I am assuming people use their mains as the master account and they don't bot it. I will make the worker progress report show how many essence has been traded over though, that's a good idea As for private scripts, sure guys, I will let you know what will be going on. I have a few private scripts being made, only 2 left then I can start doing more. (These private scripts are not related to runecrafting). It won't take longer than 2 days max For trading binding and talismans, already supported but on the worker account you gotta enable 'trade noted items' in the misc tab. I need to double check the options as I have made it more than 1 month ago. I will see
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will activate trials ASAP
  3. Personally I haven't been banned using master account and playing legit, but you never know. I wouldn't suggest doing it 24 hours a day and if you want to be extra safe I would recommend doing it on another machine and IP, in my opinion I would feel invincible (bans-wise) with that setup. As for private script for master/worker and fire altar, are you doing lavas? If so, I have a private script which was created for, but never sold to an ex-ZMI team. I was planning on releasing it as a script but I will see what I can do Had bringing talismans, bindings, essence too. Glad to hear the script is still there, please let me know as soon as you try it, I am curious to see the difference from 2017. I will add suggestions/bugfixes as necessary Thanks guys!
  4. For multiple windows user, just add a new user to windows, e.g. when windows loads up you have Admin, Czar, Guest or something, just add a new one, and it will be like having a different machine. However, you must download osbot from beginning, including a fresh new oldschool launcher if using mirror client As for weekends, yes they last very long with weekend botting, however I have recently started only botting at friday midnight or sometimes even saturday noon for peace of mind, can easily get at least 48 hours botted on each account, might not seem like a lot to you guys but it is super scalable and it's safer.
  5. Hmm it could be going to bank to get fishing equipment, are you using mirror client? If so, make sure to hook while logged out only, then once the clients are hooked, login manually, let the client load for a minute or two (open random interfaces/walk around a bit) and mirror client should be super stable. If not using mirror mode, ignore that As for going bank: it is trying to find fishing equipment, either keep inventory open at all times so the bot knows it already has fishing equipment, or enable the option 'ignore fishing equipment' in the misc tab. In the meantime I will add a small fail-safe update to the script Thanks guys
  6. Czar


    Glad to hear, good luck Try not to bot too much, botting isn't like it used to be, but the ban rates for range guild have definitely lowered
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @pigeons how do you mean bags? As in, coin bags? @Bosstralian @Runnwith thanks guys
  8. Well if you botted in the past 2 days there is a chance it could have been the mass ban wave. Aside from that make sure not to bot your accounts at the same time otherwise you will get banned quicker. I usually do the multiple windows user trick, it uses separate jagexcaches. Also I highly recommend creating all your accounts super early (like a week or so) before botting on them, they last much longer. as for trials, activated good luck
  9. Alright I will fix that too ^^ shouldnt show the message anymore in the logger. Aside from the message did anything else happen that stopped the script from working? If so, please confirm
  10. Got super lucky with that temp ban, others would have gotten a perm ban. I highly recommend not going over 8 hours a day, much less if you wanna *almost* guarantee no bans at all depending on how safe you are
  11. Thanks, let me know if you have any constructive feedback I will add more updates to the script, I am planning a nice mining feature for sequenced mining, as well as a tracker system for ores to make the script much much more smarter. ^^ :D I will extend your trial ASAP. As for bans, botting isn't like it used to be back in the day, you gotta bot carefully, check out the guide on avoiding bans: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/?tab=comments#comment-1417948 I would say free scripts have a lot of users, so you gotta be a bit more careful with free scripts, don't get me wrong, if coded well + supported, they are amazing, I would just prefer premium/private scripts
  12. Seems to be the npc that you chose? Can you confirm using a different npc (normal npc). In any case I will try and add an option to reduce memory by not tracking some animations and exp and whatnot, update coming up ^^
  13. Holy shit epic duo, would have loved to see @Mysteryy in it too, perhaps when higher clues added? Good luck guys, I am sure you guys farmed the hell out of it before release can’t wait to see more scripts edit: sorry for late reply I only just found out about the script.
  14. I am also working on a few behavior customization updates, I will be adding a whole new tab in the setup window. as for delays, I will remove the unneccessary delays (especially when it thinks it’s still mining), and I will include a delay modifier too. and yes I agree that slow gains = much safer. glad to hear, tell me exactly which scripts you didn’t like by me, I will hear you out and add updates to them too. thanks guys you are the best
  15. Apologies for any confusion caused, to clarify my last post: all users who have already bought the script, will still be able to access the script forever. if you haven’t bought the script already, it is too late now because I removed the script for future users. Also, for the users that own this script - I will be maintaining, bugfixing and supporting the script forever, so don’t worry ^^ just make sure to post bug reports and I will handle them asap With that being said, I am planning on releasing new smaller runecrafting packages/scripts that have only certain features e.g a new script called “Czars Master/worker script” and possibly “Czars abyss lite” etc. So were you planning on buying the script or do you already own it? Because if you own the script and it does not appear, that is another issue completely and I will handle it ASAP by contacting staff ^^
  16. Super combats, will make it only drink if training melee, instead of drinking when it is available in inventory. Update coming up Will check dustdevils out too, are you doing multi combat? Did you start the script near dust devils and add npc from nearby (without manually typing the npc name)? trials - will activate as soon as I can EDIT: I assume multi-combat for dust-devils? I will be doing some changes for multi-combat zones, it seems to be the issue here, update coming up
  17. Really appreciate the feedback I am in the process of adding update and I will add your feedback to the update list, stay tuned, will be posting the new changelog as soon as I can ^^ thanks guys you are all awesome.
  18. Will fix it, aside from banking is the script walking to trees? Also what tree spot?
  19. Just checked the code it only picks them up if you enable it, I think only list mode has it for now but I will extend the option for all, just need to debug the actual looting part and I will push update ^^
  20. Glad to hear the webwalking improved, I will be pushing another update regarding bird nests as soon as I can ^^
  21. Are you getting fps drops at the exact time the player animates? Also, are you using mirror client? Confirm please ^^ As for alching - in reply to both posts: are you guys setting the client to fixed mode? Make sure you are on fixed mode and not resized mode, it will help with stability of the script. In any case I will run some more test to make sure everything is still working okay with alching ^^
  22. Done activated trials good luck guys, post results
  23. The safespot is handled by a shortcut button (F6 hotkey), so you first need to stand on whichever tile you wanna safespot at, then hit f6, then the script will use that tile as your safespot ^^ Optional: set fight bounds for more accurate npc filtering too Let me know how it goes, please confirm if this helped or not ^^
  24. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done activated trials good luck guys ^^ Webwalker options nowadays are for stability, I will be removing them as I have implemented a new system that employs all settings depending on the player's coordinates ^^ Should also make the script less confusing tbh.
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