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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Webwalker 1 is fine for now, it's used as emergency options so if the script ever gets stuck somehow, the next option may work better ^^ Ignore it for now, I will most likely remove it since walking system has improved by a lot since then. Also guys, will be pushing a new update regarding dodgy necklaces ASAP. As for trials, activated good luck
  2. Yep working on another update following the last one. I pushed a small mini update regarding a few small patches to let users who have been waiting for certain updates use them instead of waiting for 1 big update. As for trials, activated good luck guys Stay tuned for next update, will be announcing very soon
  3. Activated trials good luck guys As for faster mode with stunalch, it uses less checks and is more erratic, as well as no script delays, completely based on your machine's speed, whereas normal one has up to a ~110ms delay after each cast (randomized)
  4. Hmm for stronghold plugin it should be looting arrows with at least a 3+ stack, I will check this out asap. High alch - I will be adding a valuable item dialogue update for this in the next version Ogress mages - will check out with aforementioned setup, stay tuned for another update As for house tabs, I will check this out, any information on your setup ? I will test it at taverley blue dragons with the bank condition set to no food, bank set to falador west and I will move my house to taverley for the testing. Stay tuned for next update Thanks guys, will be getting back to the script workspace.
  5. Activated trials good luck guys
  6. Which exact bank stall, I will check this out again ASAP ^^
  7. Done good luck guys ^^
  8. Done good luck on trials guys, don't forget to post results!
  9. Will add a quick bugfix for lumbridge dialogue + spinning flax ASAP!
  10. Yep almost done, will be pushing update as soon as I can
  11. The update will go live within 24 hours, version will say: v114.2, glad to hear about xp rates, pretty amazing 50k/hr tbh. I will be training mining from 71-80 there soon
  12. Epic! Added to main thread, good luck and please bot responsibly, you are super close to 99.
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will make the script check if it's on the same height level as the target npc, will be adding another update ASAP, thanks for feedback As for trials -activated good luck guys, an update is being added very soon
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated all trials good luck guys I can make the script operate faster but it will not be good for ban rates, it is better to go normal/average and safer, than fast + ban. I can easily add it as an option but I will add a warning sign before enabling the option. As for ban rates, glad to hear, don't forget to post results The script has had a behavioural system change which means users are taking advantage of low bans, I will be changing the system again in the near future to continue the low ban rates. NOTE: this does not mean you will never get banned, bans are always possible with all bots, but please be careful
  15. Done good luck on trials guys ^^ Don't forget to post results
  16. New Update (v102) - Updated ore depositing bug - Added 'move mouse outside' option - Added infernal axe special attack for mining level boost Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys and thanks for all your feedback and support
  17. Posted small update for world hopping - this was a quick and easy update, I will be focusing on the bigger update of 'mining another rock if your rock goes empty' feature and will be pushing as soon as I can, it is more of a complex and performance-heavy feature. Stay tuned for next update ^^
  18. Done good luck on trials guys @Co650 sure no problem, if you have a GIF of the script's speed in action I can check it out and fix
  19. Will do a debug run, thanks guys ^^
  20. Activated all trials good luck guys, apologies for late trials, activated double trial time for compensation. Good luck
  21. Czar


    Added results to main thread, good job Glad to hear it runs well
  22. New Update (v81) - Fixed returning back to Blast furnace after GE Restocking - Script no longer stops for coffer if you still have gp to deposit - Stamina potions are now sipped before the stamina effect expires Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys Trials activated too, good luck EDIT: Here's a small result from my farm's head account:
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