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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Added a bugfix for dodgy necklaces, it was causing problems in the last version - should be fixed now in update v186, update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Will be adding another update with more features/patches shortly As for trials, activated good luck guys
  2. Activated trials good luck guys
  3. New Update (v246) - (Cannon): Added alching for cannon mode - (Cannon): No longer freezes when re-filling cannon - (Cannon): Telegrabbing supported for cannon (exclusively if the option is selected) - (Magic): Added 'only loot my targets' support for magic combat (this will also fix the ogress warriors bug) - (Magic): No longer casts spells from the magic spellbook when autocasting - Fixed equipment tab freezing up, no longer unselectable - Added bugfix for bones and big bones burying - Added bugfix for nmz dying when outside a game - Override prayer sip fixed, range was working for me - I will do more test runs. - Teleport to house tabs fixed, should no longer rely on osbot's webwalker too As for alching and the dialogue messages, make sure to do this: (note: applies for both high value, AND non-tradeable items) As for stronghold looting every single arrow: make sure to remove the arrow from the looting window, you should only enable 'loot my arrows' when ranging and don't add it to the loot list. Unless you want to, otherwise I will make a workaround update to allow flexibility. As for stopping script, I will be coding a major re-write for that system and arrows to allow flexibility, although it will happen in the next version. In the meantime turn off 'fight alongside cannon' and it should be fine, or if you really want, disable the npc attack option so you can't attack the npc at all, turn auto retaliate off too, and it should have the same effect as a bow with no arrows. As for profit counter and hopping etc. I will be finding a cause for this bug and fix it asap Another update will be added after this one, stay tuned for the next one guys As usual, thanks for all your support and feedback, really appreciate it
  4. @Consum98 the script shouldn't be going bank, what is your bank condition like? Can you post your setup window options so I can see? I will add an update @Promo I will give override potions another look, is the script still drinking super combats while ranging anymore? Please confirm. In any case I will add an update @Botthestrange Will check out big bones for burying too, can you isolate the error so that it it's not a mirror client issue? Are you using stealth or injection? Also can you confirm if inventory was open a the time? Any error logs in console? I will check this out in the meantime and add an update @magetrip NMZ I am not allowed to do full nmz script, I can only add basic support only when inside a game, because there are already 2 nmz scripts in the SDN market out there for 9.99 and I would most likely get into trouble. I will see what I can do ^^ I will add an update so it doesn't die outside of a game with overload/rock @cloud916 I will try and make it not stop script without ammo with a preselected option (by default) which can be un-ticked if you wish, it should suit everybody, since users will complain that the script will not stop if no arrows. Update coming up
  5. It is due to longer username or incorrect credentials, have you tried using a throwaway osbot forum account with a shorter/no spaces username? (forgive me if it's against rules!)
  6. Awesome results, added to main thread good job The steel bar price is calculated at the start of the script, so yep it takes into account the cost of steel bar, so 1 steel bar = 4 cannonballs
  7. I will see what I can do, I need to make major edits to the walking system since it includes the ladders, I will let you guys know how it goes ^^
  8. Activated trial good luck guys ^^
  9. Oh then no problem you can easily run ubuntu and it is supported ^^
  10. Would probs just invest in equipment and see how it goes from there, I wouldnt gamble on buying accounts imo.
  11. With the use of third party software, it is technically possible, but from a quick glance at it, android (depending on your version) runs on their in-house DVM (dalvik vm) as opposed to java's vm (good old JVM that is used in everyday computers) so some magic needs to happen there
  12. Czar

    Barbarian Assault

    Interesting, I didn't know you gained xp from it - I assume it's not bug abuse but more of a small hidden trick/exploit, and who knows what would happen; if there's someone who is bored + rich enough to have at least 5 spare p2p accounts to form a team, let us know how it goes please ^^
  13. Czar


    Have you confirmed that the client size is set to 'fixed mode' and not resized mode? It should be the classic osrs gameframe and not the transparent resized ones. Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the script, please don't forget to post results as I really enjoy seeing how far you guys progress further and further Added proggie to main thread good job
  14. Proggies are always welcome, good luck on trial, let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions/bugs and I will add more updates
  15. Activated trials good luck guys, don't forget to post some results ^^ Will be doing another update as soon as I can ^^
  16. No wonder GE prices for ring of wealth have been strange lately
  17. Will be doing a round of updates in regards to stability and fail-safes, thanks for all the reports and feedback guys, really appreciate it ^^ Another update incoming As for shilo, should I re-add the world hopping feature so if there's no fish on your side of the river, the script will hop worlds? And/or should I add an option to move to the other side of the river (I believe it would be inefficient) but I want to make sure everything is included in the script ^^
  18. Will try to get mouse movement outside ASAP too. Thanks for the suggestions guys
  19. Activated trial but the script is still not on the market just yet. Guys - I am just working on making the code more scalable so that I can respond to user suggestions and features updates more swiftly + easily, as you can tell there are a lot of features/combinations in the runecrafting skill, especially with master/worker mode and all the different equipment/items/consumables required. There is also a pending update for a failsafe in regards to talismans, should be released sooner rather than later ^^ I appreciate your patience and understanding.
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    The marks of grace not picking up was a client issue but it's easily solved with a restart, it can only go wrong if mirror client is setup incorrectly, make sure to do the following: - close all clients - open default osrs launcher (dont login just yet) - open osbot mirror client - wait for them to automatically hook together - login manually (dont start any scripts/bots yet) - walk around in actual osrs, open a few interfaces to let them load properly - start script That is the most stable setup with mirror client, until we get a few more updates. Since it is a bit heavy on memory, you may need to restart the client after several hours of botting. As for double clicking seers rooftop, I will check that out and have it fixed ASAP, thanks for the bug report ^^ Stay tuned for another update As for trials - activated good luck guys, don't forget to post results, there is a new update being coded for seers rooftop
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Glad to hear about your progress, gratz on second 99, hope to hear more 99s from you ^^ Please bot responsibly from here on out Gem bag from stealing from gem stall? Not supported just yet but I can add it, and most likely will once I hit the thieving requirement on my new main ^^ Thanks for the idea As for trials, activated - good luck guys
  22. Hmm any error logs in the console? Also 100% sure you have set the client to fixed mode, and mouse/camera zoom is a bit far away (I usually set it to full max)
  23. Yes, mirror mode 1000ms is the delay in which the bot *notices* changes, so if a rock's gone, it will take the client a whole 1000ms to detect that it's gone, I always tell users to lower it for competitive scripts like mining (competing for ore) As for mirror, I personally feel safer with mirror mode, but I can't prove why, and I've still been banned with mirror client so it's not a magic bullet. You forgot to mention if you only botted on a single account, or multiple at the same time? In any case, interesting read, good luck on future botting ^^ :D
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