Will be adding an update for the latest OSBot client update ASAP, some things in the script need to change (dialog boxes in the setup window), everything should be back to normal very soon ^^
Looting seems to be working, make sure to hook mirror client properly, shut down all clients, launch osbot, launch official osrs client, let them hook eachother, login manually, let the client load everything by walking around, opening interfaces etc for a few minutes, then start the script and mirror should be as stable as ever. If you hook incorrectly you will have issues with all bots. If you are not running mirror client, then this must be specific issue, are you looting while cannoning or ranging or safespotting? please confirm I will get this fixed for you asap
Ice cooler on lizards -> will be updating this in the upcoming version
Saving profiles -> will be fixed in the upcoming version too, it needs to be updated for the new osbot dark theme
expeditious and slaughter bracelets -> will be updating too, this seems to be a banking bug which I will fix
Spamming cannon -> will test this again, I recently added an update regarding message listener so if you add cannonballs it will wait until you get a message that you loaded the cannonballs, I will make some changes
thanks guys, stay tuned for next update ^^