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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Okay got it, so in the next update I will make it count inventories instead of actual ore, so 81 ore mode will equate to roughly 3 inventories, and I will make the bot not go return to mine extra 2-3 pay-dirt. Gems will be banked at the same time that ores are banked. Let me know if you would like any other changes, I will be posting a new update today ^^ Thanks all
  2. Gave you an extra trial, let me know which exact method you are looking for in master/worker mode, are you doing lavas or sometihng else?
  3. Added all trials good luck guys!
  4. Posted a small new update following user feedback, latest version is now v108, update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck guys Next update will feature house teleport spell, and an improvement to energy potion + banking (so the bot knows what to do if energy isn't met, while having a full inventory of essence)
  5. Will check out the code for Pie Dish and add an update ASAP, will fix this for you EDIT: Posted an update for Pottery, all pottery items are now fully updated and working again ^^ New update version: v17 - Bot HUD will show v17.0 when the update automatically goes live (within a few hours) Good luck guys, thanks for the support and feedback
  6. Glad to hear you enjoyed the script, let me know if you have any other suggestions/bugs so I can add more updates Currently working on snare + alch feature, thanks guys ^^
  7. Activated trials good luck guys, make sure to enable shift drop in-game if you are dropping ^^
  8. Yes make sure to start the script with an empty hopper to improve stability, I will be adding a few tweaks so the bot realizes if there is ore already in the hopper and act accordingly. Will also be doing another update for accessing the hopper, including several fail-safes for height level (checking if you are on the correct plane etc). As for map, will check that out and update the map ASAP ^^ Gems - how would you like the bot to handle gems, should it bank them before submitting ore? I will add a few compatibility updates for gems and multi-ore mode, they are not compatible with eachother just yet, but I will be adding more support for them ^^ In the meantime, a temporary workaround would be to set the multi ore count to ~75 for better results, assuming you get a few gems each inventory - just until I add a new update As for the coal bag, seems like an epic idea, I have the coal bag and will see what I can do, perhaps if I can get a flawless version of the coal bag method I will add it within a few working days ^^ Thanks guys, really appreciate the help and support
  9. Yes mirror client is a huge difference, but it has it's positives and negatives. Positives are the lower ban rate, negatives are the reduced stability for all bots Can you confirm if you are using the default osrs client instead of runelite or any other clients? I will help make the bot work better for you @Tyler Hurd Hmm are there any errors in the console logger that I can help with? Are you running in fixed resolution mode (non-resized) and starting the bot outside of a game near the boat you wish to use, also what's your setup like (post your setup screen) and I will help you further ^^ As for trials activated, please make sure to use fixed mode and start the bot outside of a game for optimal stability ^^ Good luck guys
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated all trials good luck guys ^^ @Lunar I assume you are using mirror mode, it is notorious for slow dropping speeds; to increase the speed you need to lower the reaction timer from the default 1000ms to ~50ms using the hotkeys: SHIFT + F3/F4, it will work so much better ^^ Please confirm how it goes Good luck guys ^^
  11. For dropping, you need to enable shift drop mode in-game, so go to OSRS settings tab and select shift dropping, it will work ^^ As for ban, unlucky, did you follow the guide on avoiding bans, check out this thread you will have much higher success with it, if you want I can grant you a few bots temporarily to rebuild your account? As for trials, activated good luck guys, post some results! PS guys here is the guide for avoiding bans: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/?tab=comments#comment-1417948
  12. For slayer tower, does walk-setting 3 work better? I can't rely on OSBot webwalker these days, going to have to add my own overrides for them in the upcoming update. Stay tuned, this will be fixed for you ASAP ^^ As for plugins, if the script is terminating, then place the OSBot jar on the desktop and restart the client, it should work ^^ Please confirm, I will help ASAP As for trials, activated good luck guys Just posted a fix for taverley, teleport tabs, forthos dungeon support, catacombs of kourend support, will be posting more updates momentarily. Thanks guys
  13. Hmm I think shift empty is already supported, I will take another look at the script code and confirm! As for Teleport to house, amazing idea will definitely add this in the upcoming version ^^ Thanks guys - super helpful and I'm super lucky to have such great support from you guys @Angelclaw I have given you an auth to test it out, good luck friend
  14. Will add a quick patch for banking and bars, thanks for the feedback guys ^^
  15. Glad to hear it’s working ^^ thanks
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes will be adding prifddinas as soon as I can ^^
  17. Ahh maples at seers' village is too populated and risky, I highly recommend woodcutting in zeah, lot's of trees there and super low ban rates, with the exception of woodcutting guild, although maybe the ban rate is low there too, since it requires 60% favour
  18. Done good luck on trials guys ^^
  19. Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  20. Make sure to set the game resolution to fixed, and disable spell filtering, it will work better ^^ As for snare + combination spells, will see what I can do ^^
  21. Will add a few tweaks and improvements following user responses, thank you guys really appreciate the help ^^ Expect another update very soon ^^ Activated trial runs too, gl, extended trials due to pending update
  22. Make sure that osbot jar is placed on desktop and the osrs game resolution is set to non-resized or fixed, it will work better ^^
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