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Everything posted by Czar

  1. It seems the client cannot find the law runes - I assume mirror client? Does a restart + hooking both clients while completely logged out solve this problem? Please confirm. Also - if not using mirror, also confirm. In the meantime I will be taking a look at the code. As for cannon and not fighting alongside cannon, will also run some tests for this and see what needs to be configured in the setup to solve it. As for logging out before stopping script - will add a function for this too, should be available in the next version. Ornate pools, will try to get these available in the next version, I need to unlock the final two upgrades, I will offer an option (experimental/beta) for this, since only the ornate pool object name actually changes (or may not even change at all) but it will be untested for the higher unlocks. Update coming up, thanks guys! Activated trials too, refresh scripts and happy botting EDIT: For cannon mode, these are the only conditions in which the script may stop: - If you have enabled logout when no food mode, and you run out of food - If no fighting npc can be found - If using B2P mode and you run out of tabs/runes for spell I think it is the second one (no valid npc can be found), and since you are fighting a caged npc, the script ignores all unreachable/cages npcs unless you enable the option 'caged npc mode' and then it will detect and not ignore those npcs. Please try enabling that option and you will be able to use cannon at caged ogres. If you already tried this, please confirm so I can investigate further. In the meantime I will run some more tests and see if I find anything to update.
  2. Banking is fixed in client version .59, it is now the stable version of OSBot, so you don't need to manually download it anymore. Please don't forget to update your clients to latest version and the script will work much much better ^^ Activated trials good luck guys.
  3. Will offer an ultra low resource option in the upcoming versions, featuring stripped-down functionality and high priority for the main functions of the script and low resource usage. But it will not be compatible with other options, also make sure not to enable OSBot's 'low resource' option in the osbot settings menu. As for trials - activated good luck.
  4. Refresh scripts, it should appear in your list good luck on the moneymaking ^^
  5. Awesome, thanks for stable .59 too! Loving the projectile debugs btw. For the record, if anyone has encountered the npc getAll bug can you clarify what happened? I may end up noticing some improvements on my scripts due to this.
  6. Will investigate giant pouch and post another update asap. As for keybinds, how do you mean? Please clarify.
  7. I am going to have to assist in teamviewer I cannot seem to make that banking clicking happen whatsoever. Do you have discord or teamviewer so I can help?
  8. Make sure to use osbot client (v.59) it has banking API fixes, it is located in the devbuild. If already using .59 please confirm. I will do another test run, which item is it clicking in bank? I assume you are in a bank tab, it seems to be a known bug for client .58 and is fixed with .59. As for worker mode did you end up getting it to work? As for nature runes and store method, how is it now, improved or same? Guys I will review your posts/feedback and make more changes ASAP. As for crafting cape tele yep I am working on it, it will be available in the upcoming version.
  9. @Zvango What was the account history like, did you have any legit hours on it with perhaps a few quests completed, or was it straight off tutorial island and botted? Also did you bot in a popular world where people can possibly talk to you (away from bank) or did you blend in the bank area and stay hidden from player chats/reports, did you bot after an osrs game update, so many factors come into play if you can backtrack and see where improvements could have been made botting-wise
  10. Crafting cape teleport isn't supported currently but I will add support for it in the next version for you As for nature rune store method, can you confirm which pouches you have in your inventory? I have turned off the banking code for that method, now I just need to make sure that the Giant pouch code isn't interfering - are you using a giant pouch by any chance? In any case I have posted the update v115.1, it should automatically go live within a few hours.
  11. For speed the only thing I can suggest is stealth injection, trust me you will not have any issues, especially with bankstanding skills like magic (plank-making). Bankstanding skills are virtually invisible for the most part, just try not to bot crazy amount of hours a day. I have some ideas planned on how to configure/workaround mirror mode to bypass it's slow speed which I will be hopefully finishing today/early tomorrow. This also applies to enchant jewellery spell, the client is realizing that the old jewellery is still there and it's trying to enchant it. I will do a workaround for this too.
  12. Let me take another look at the store part, my apologies must have been some last minute edits. Will add another update with some tweaks there ASAP. As for bloods yep I will be announcing those in a later date, just need the level reqs first. Thanks for the responses guys
  13. No muling support just yet but it will be added in the next update. I will be adding a separate menu to allow a chooser between mule and worker, it will also have a setup for giving resources/gp to starting accounts.
  14. Lemme check it out and isolate the incident, is it after clicking the spell or the ore? I will make some changes asap.
  15. Thanks guys, will be doing some more updates following you guys' responses Stay tuned for upcoming version Activated trials too, happy botting
  16. No make sure that you check the computer ram, not the hard drive space, what is your machine's ram? Normally it will range from 2gb of ram - to maybe 16gb of ram
  17. Make sure to reduce the mirror mode reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys, please confirm if you are already doing this. Remember guys, mirror mode gives you better protection against bans, but it is also slower than the stealth injection client. If not using mirror at all, then please also confirm. In the meantime I will check out the code for plank make to ensure it doesn't need further updating since game updates.
  18. EDIT: New Update (v115) - Added a bug fix for attempting to use resized mode with npc contact - Bot now fully works with lavas, pouches, npc contact, rune pouch and stamina, no longer stays in bank with degraded pouches either - Added pouch support for Nature rune store method - Stability improvements in general -- Added more accurate inventory detection, related to runes (noted and un-noted) -- Added more accurate pouch detection for filling -- Extended the InventorySequence to allow no-bank mode (suits un-noting system well) Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys, script HUD will show v115.0 when the update is fully live.
  19. Thanks @jcouri18 I will do some debugging and add an update. I also recommend starting the script at castle wars but either is fine. I will let you guys know when the new update gets released @goodie a lot of factors are present, did you overbot during weekend, did you bot on typical ban wave mondays, used breaks, botted tutorial, previously botted a lot on f2p etc etc.
  20. Muling sounds like a good idea, there could be many solutions to it - A) the script handles muling proprietorially, B) osbot has some sort of planner to queue scripts together C) Both
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