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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Should be higher, please set mirror mode reaction to 100ms instead of the default 1000ms. I'll be overriding it in the next update to make sure everyone has a faster response rate. EDIT: At 56 mining with rune pick, you should be getting around 15k xp not 7k, lemme know how the mirror mode ms affects it please! I'll be doing releases to help. As for trials done gl
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will try to get hopping supported for those rich/average chests, however I'm worried about hitting the world hop limit, it'll logout and delay for a few seconds, any suggestions on what to do? My first idea was to add a small delay (~5-10 seconds) before hopping worlds to circumvent this, although I'm open to suggestions. As for bank note exchange for blackjacking, done, but still need to add luring to get back. The banking process is the easy part, the luring of the npc and making sure the npc is in the right position is the hard part. Will be doing some more work on this. This, and the rich/average chests are my current top priorities for the script right now. Disclaimer: blackjacking is not supported please do not purchase this bot for blackjacking, it's not advertised as part of the bot and may never be, just expressing what goes on during development. If you plan on buying it in the future please ask about the current state of blackjacking before purchasing. Prifddinas banking is now supported, however you will need to use Sticky NPC to choose the npcs yourself, since there are various elf npcs with various names, please bear this in mind! As for banking, there's now an option to deposit everything and withdraw new items (food/necklaces/gloves), OR the default option which is to deposit each bankable item individually, it's up to you. I'll be adding more customisation as I go along, this should be useful for those of you whom pickpocket master farmers and accumulate many seeds. Rogues' den is also improved, just made changes to the banking code, with major development on banking. ETA next update will have a perfected rogues' den, along with improvements to the actual minigame part, thanks to @Sheetz for helping me with finding more efficient click-spots and routes in the minigame. For saving the npc and avoiding others, make sure to enable 'Save NPC' option, I just changed the text so it's more understandable and less tedious to setup. For choosing your own npcs make sure to select the option: 'Sticky NPC' and you'll be presented with an instruction to hit F2 and manually tag/click an npc of your choice to pursue it. Save NPC and Sticky NPC in combination work well, however you can use save NPC and let the bot choose the npc for you (if you don't want to choose it manually). I'll be adding saving/loading for the exact npc soon, just worried that the npc IDs will change based on the world you're in, so it can be problematic. EDIT: Trials activated enjoy! More releases underway
  3. @wildturkey22 what a legend! Added to main thread gj sir As for trials done gl guys, please post results!
  4. Will be posting a change for the HUD, and improvements to other areas of the bot As for trials done enjoy
  5. More big releases being worked on, will announce changes as soon as I can. Thanks guys!
  6. Be careful try not to go to the most popular areas. I just added more furnace locations, don’t forget to take breaks as usual, perhaps 2 hrs botting and 2 hrs breaks if you wanna play it safe imo.
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    !! What a legend any screenshots? Much respect sir EDIT: activated trials gl guys! also posted update v167, you should be noticing improvements, especially on mirror mode. Update will automatically go live within a few hours
  8. Will give another go for parcels - just finishing up on the quest again on my new account since I sold my old main. Update coming up. Same applies to Sulliusceps @ItPoke done, will be pushing an update for those tonight. thank you for the post. Shift dropping is supported @bmxjake402, but we gotta enable shift drop ourselves in the settings menu. Then the script will do the rest
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I recommend not sharing IPs between accounts, it's almost a certain ban, please use proxies if botting multiple accounts, otherwise stick to one account, with mirror mode, with new mouse option and you'll see very positive results, even in hotspot courses. For the movements, it's best to have fewer clicks rather than frequent clicks, the more botted actions (clicks mainly) the greater the chance for a ban. So slower interactions are almost always better. Regardless I have a nice update planned for the interaction system, along with a few sliders to customise the core of the script, the speed, the accuracy and behaviour of the script. I also have an epic idea planned for improving the ban rate significantly, especially on higher populated worlds (ironically!). Will make further edits to a few specific courses to better match a human's playstyle - all code changes will be saved and pushed to v167.0 as soon as it's complete
  10. Hello sir please make sure the coal bag is closed not opened, it should work. If this doesn't work lemme know I'll help, also are there any error logs in the console? Top right -> settings -> toggle logger Done gl sir!
  11. Done gl! Automated muling is in progress for the blaster!
  12. Perfect @osbotter6969 - I'll get to work with a new release. Also have you had a chance to try the new OSBot mouse system? Please tell me if it helps with bans. In the meantime I'll be releasing updates to the features you mentioned, much appreciated, I enjoy criticism and new ideas, thank you sir As for trials activated, will activate double trial time so you can test the new update too.
  13. Muling is undergoing testing over at the crafting side, if all goes well it's being transferred/converted to the smither and will be pushed immediately to the latest release As for priff, doesn't support it yet but I'll add it then give you a trial As for camera movements and walking/doors, will make some more improvements, I added a tester for edgeville to single-click (with cannonballs), if that goes well I'll expand to all other locations, more to come!
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will be in the next update, ty sir. Hey! Yep, managed to fix them, will be featured in v211.0 later today ty sir My apologies for the delay, I had to do the quests on my account. However, the bot will not walk to the other chests yet, this is being worked on right now and will be added to a later version of the script as soon as I'm finished coding it. As for trials activated double trial time so you can compare versions, and preview the newer v211.0 features, gl guys
  15. Yes, show break settings I'll help If it doesn't work still, please confirm your osbot client version. The bot will want to walk to the bank, or walk to your chosen breaks tile (if you set it using the F4 key), but it will do this around ~1-5 minutes before the break session starts
  16. @jonashansen12 Will make some edits asap. Did you add food manually or leave it empty? Also please turn off the option: 'No food mode' otherwise it won't bank for more food Breaks supported yes, they are configured via top right -> settings -> breaks. I recommend doing 1-2 hour breaks (100-120 minutes) for ever 2 hours botted, for ideal results. Please prioritise safety (no bans) over botted xp/efficiency!
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