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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Was it a 2-day temp ban or perm? I recommend appealing for unban although it can take up to a week or two to get unbanned, please be careful. Follow this guide: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting and I highly recommend blending in inside the GE, or taking longer breaks, perhaps investing in mirror client, replying to in-game chat, switching up skills etc.
  2. Posted an update for v32.0 of the bot, should automatically go live within a few hours. Lemme know how you guys like it, gl!
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Will make some more changes ASAP
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I agree, this is a good idea. So an example I was thinking of, spam click until the player starts walking, or click a few times even after it's walking, or a randomised mixture of both? Lemme know
  5. Thank you guys, you have been the best I can't wait to also try it on my new main account and go for the 77 req for bloods, and ultimately 95 for the wraths Update v142.2 will automatically go live within a few hours, gl guys
  6. Got it, update coming up! Will give you another trial once the update goes live tomorrow.
  7. EDIT: Please turn off filtered game messages, so it should look like this:
  8. Czar

    good content

    New mahogany homes seems epic, unless you're looking for bots to try or content to try?
  9. @ospaul for arrows check if you have 'loot my items' enabled, or 'loot items in fight zone', they could be interfering with the ammo. please confirm your setup so I can help you. As for ammo taking from the bank - good idea tbh, I like it. I'll add a way to do this. For the planner (magic & range) will you be switching between these two skills or will you be using this with the stops/alerts conditions? Also would you be interested in a way to train defence via ranged? For CLI, the id is 758, and for the arguments you gotta type in the saved profile name, so if I have a abyssal demons profile that I named abyss_demons123.txt, I'll type that name into the args. I recommend having underscores for simplicity, otherwise be sure to encase the profile name in "" quotation marks. Potions should be working better now, more updates underway. No more noted potion drinking bug, fixed Trials - done enjoy
  10. Excellent job, will check this out, especially the GE replenishment and will be comparing notes
  11. If you open the client and run an IP Checker bot, does it show a new IP for the actual game client or your original IP?
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Even with increasing the 'How long to wait before stealing' from 0ms to something like 200-300ms? I mean this slider: Also with 'Allow double clicks' or without? It should only be double clicking for anti-ban like players do. EDIT: Also, by any chance are you overriding the mirror mode reaction timer? It should say 100ms at the top left of the game screen, lemme know if it says a different number EDIT 2: Also heads up, working on adding a nice update to the stalls too, to allow double stalls (nature runes & coins), will check it out now.
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I'll smoothen these out in v168.0 ^^ Please note some obstacles can't be prepare-clicked if they are below/above ground from the current object. I'll slow down some of the mouse interactions too so it won't spaz out randomly, it should only do those randomly not often - my original implementation was to change up the behaviour from the typical agility bot so it doesn't fit any bot profiling. @Upgrade Acc Done gl sir, got an update releasing for v168.0 to make interactions more smoother, so i'll activate more trial time once it's up ^^
  14. I recommend alching items that are noted, otherwise banking will be inefficient and lose on exp/hr, unless the item is un-noteable? @Morgan Luchese good idea, I will begin working on this feature. I'm almost done with the new GUI like my mining & thieving bot (same style), so you guys should be seeing a huge improvement As for trials done gl guys!
  15. Done gl guys, got a few new features/locations coming up, almost done with another parcel service update too, will announce the new release as soon as I can
  16. @TriscuitMan It's how the script is written I really can't risk any bans so I extended all the delays and waits to produce fewer actions per hour and ultimately prevent bans (of course nothing is 100% certain, botting is against rules). I'll make some changes, in the meantime I recommend turning off the option [Wait when fish move away] in the Settings tab. In your opinion, how long should it wait and what type of behaviours would you like to see in the next version? Lemme know so I can improve the script
  17. Ty sir, another release coming today EDIT: I can't wait to get abyss workers released, will try get them finished by tonight also. Thx guys you have been great so far
  18. As of now there's no API for clan chat, but we can still use widgets, cache them and use the observer pattern to see if a new player has either joined or a player has left the chat. Will try to post some code snippets when I get back home.
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