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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes and if you’re using stronghold it’s good to set a custom break tile using the F4 key (full list of hotkeys is displayed by hitting CTRL), otherwise it will go to bank before breaks kick in. So the script waits until you have at least 2-4 minutes left for breaks to trigger, to ensure a safe journey
  2. As a rule it's better to bot fewer actions, and this includes camera movements if that's what you mean. More actions botted = higher risk, so we minimise on those. If you truly want I can add an option in the setup to make the bot move camera around randomly but I will have to slap a warning on it that it'll be detrimental for account safety imo. Here's a link to preventing bans: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting Trials authed enjoy Magic non-autocasting yes there will be a whole overhaul for the magic system it will be added to the task planner/scheduler too, including an option to manually cast spells Also guys posted an update yesterday, will be posting another one today regarding more user feedback. Thanks all
  3. Personally I would prioritise safety and ban prevention over xp rates, but conversely I will do some runs and give you a ballpark figure. Also authed a trial run enjoy.
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done authed enjoy! Update went live
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I've just noticed it doing that too. Should be improved massively in the new update (v179.0), thanks for the help Will do a couple more runs and then post the new update. EDIT: Just submitted v179.0, update will automatically go live within a couple hours =]
  6. Awesome - Shells will be first to have GE replenishment. EDIT: I assume you meant shields btw, smithing items in general will be first to have GE
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes I agree, but one more question: what’s your zoom like? Is it default, zoomed in or zoomed max out? I’ll work on some more adjustments in the meantime. Trials authed enjoy
  8. Will check this now. You 100% sure that didn't misclick and select bronze instead? It happens XD
  9. Done authed, gl sir. Working on some cool updates
  10. Thanks! Working on some cool features atm requested by users in the thread =D
  11. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Added new update for (v3.31), following the RS game update where they added some tiles near south-west GE. Bot will now know how to firemake better regardless. Will also be posting v3.4 today after more test runs: - Better chance for low woodcutting to get victories -- Actually ignores snowfall if selected now -- No longer waits a couple seconds after walking each time -- Increased the area to re-light, repair brazier if nearby (no longer locked to 1 tile arround) And a couple more smaller changes which have a big effect on the number of points gained per match.
  12. Legit can't wait, haven't played wow in years. I'll be going for a mage ofc, just for old time's sake I just hope they don't make it expensive..
  13. Yeah most likely private, but it's rigged to let the botter win I suspect
  14. Thanks! I'll announce the new update as soon as it's ready
  15. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Added 2 updates since my last post; latest version is now v3.3. Update will automatically go live within a couple hours, please give feedback so we can get this online again ^^
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Seers and up is a lot safer, but make sure to use at least 3 hour breaks for every 1 hour botted imo.
  17. @50HZ Any luck with the new update? It just went live ^^
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