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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I'll take a look into this and fix. Also can you confirm if you have placeholders and/or using mirror mode? And does it work better with/without them? In the meantime I'll run some tests.
  2. I highly recommend taking breaks, 3 hours per 2 hours botted for safer botting, try it and you'll see. After opting for this setup I've accrued 2 99s in this month of which I've been documenting and recording clips of ^^
  3. Thank you for the detailed feedback, will make some changes as per your post, respect! EDIT: I also highly recommend enabling [Minimise camera movements] and zooming all the way out so the whole area is in view, should ramp up the bars/hr by quite a bit - regardless I will speed it up and offer a way to turn everything off and just do pure minigame.
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Thank you guys! More updates and patches coming up
  5. I'll take a look at BGS spec now, but I highly recommend keeping botting hours less than 6 hours that was too much for a single day at pest control. Also which boat? And was it a 2 day temp ban or perm? If perm then don't forget to appeal the ban in a couple days time, however it'll take a week or two to get a response from jagex. I'm botting with 3 hr breaks nowadays since it seems safer than the previous 2 hour breaks I was doing.
  6. In about a couple hours I’m hitting 99 range without doing nmz, which means 99 fish and 99 range in the same month It’s definitely possible with some patience. I even slipped up a couple times and forgot the bot on a couple times and still clear Sadly it’s taken super long with 4 hrs botted every day total
  7. Got a nice update on the way for v131.0 of the bot, stay tuned guys! :D This one has improved camera angles, camelot teleport improvements (questing), an option to cancel/stop the bot after questing (for acc preps) and a stability update for minigame (banking/withdrawing ore).
  8. Done enjoy authed all of you
  9. Which setting, steel or any others? Also using [Quicker trips (BETA)]?
  10. I'll add a fix for saving that option now thank you!
  11. Authed trial enjoy Also just posted another update for CLI, latest version is now v129.0 - works better than before Update will automatically go live within a couple hours enjoy!
  12. I'll add some improvements to doors in the meantime, thank you for the feedback
  13. @Khaleesi is the only one here to support blood runes We don't have those yet xD
  14. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done enjoy, any feedback would be super cool
  15. Posted update v128.0: - CLI now updated and is working again Update will automatically go live within a few hours.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Be careful use breaks to be safer. They have given you another chance. Try do 2-3 hr breaks after 1 hr botting session initially then increase slowly.
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