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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    As long as you use mirror you're fine. But in general, pickpocketing and blackjacking is way way safer than stalls. If you need more advice on antiban let me know, I got a lot of tips. Yes of course, enjoy and welcome back to botting, imo osrs >>>> rs3 just bear in mind that botting isn't like how it used to be back in the day. We used to be able to bot for days without breaks and not get banned, now we need some sort of strategy. Sure enabled enjoy Please bot responsibly =))
  2. Not just yet waiting on based @Malcolm to release his epic muler so we can use it for all our scripts
  3. Done authed enjoy Yes fish and cook is one of the features which are long awaited, it's coded just needs testing, and draynor I'll add some variation for that one should just be a matter of changing some coordinates.
  4. Welcome fellow dutchie, sadly the whole of europe hates us because of brexit But yeah, you're in good hands with osbot - friendly people and a lot of potential to make gp from various scripts.
  5. yeah i agree. its best to have more random/humanlike actions and sometimes make mistakes like humans do, than being a perfect robot which would just be easily detected. We have tried to make it as fluid and humanlike as possible. done enjoy =))
  6. Brutal black dragons have gotten a new update a couple days ago so it works better, gave you trial so you can test it out enjoy. kbd lair not supported just yet, but very good idea. Will be adding this in the next version. if you want to help me test chinning so I can release it publicly here please join discord, we will be having a secret tester menu on the script for users who wanna help test. It is free to anyone. Mouse offscreen yeah we have had concerns like that, it turned out to be the graphics drawer which defaults to top left if the mouse is not on the screen so it leads us to believe it keeps going top left, dw about this one its just the mouse drawer. Unless there is a new issue that arised then please confirm runes I agree yes there should be like a list of loot options predefined for every npc, we are working on a scraper to get all loots from wiki and just load them, more info on this soon xD edgeville/sewers yes this is next on the list. So i’ve recently coded a system for multi entrance dungeons and so far ive mapped catacombs of kourend, got more on the way.
  7. Done authed enjoy New Update (v80.0) - Grand Exchange restocking improved -- Now uses same code as my blast furnace bot, works way better -- Now correctly sells items before buying (if selected) More on the way, just had to release this patch while it was in progress. Enjoy! Update will automatically go live within a couple hours.
  8. Be careful where you bot and for how long, it makes a huge difference. Which location did you bot at @RobijntjePowerI've noticed that changing the botting area eliminates profiling, so if we bot at lumbridge vs zeah there's a huge huge difference. I haven't been banned yet in zeah or fossil island mining, but then again I also don't bot for more than 2 hrs per session (followed by a break). It may appear low but I just want to play it safe, a lot of users bot for longer hours but I prefer long-term botting over short-term botting.
  9. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Authed, thank you for the help. We just need some feedback and a thumbs up/down, short message to Token (staff) and it's good. Let me know when you test it so I can reward you to show my gratitude.
  10. It should be started from the beginning ideally, otherwise it will just try to go to locked areas. I’ll add a safety prevention for the tunnel and a couple patches to let it run from anywhere/any quest progress. EDIT: apologies i double posted in discord, i highly recommend enabling the tab buying option unless you’re doing f2p preparations and can’t use tabs
  11. Very good work there, also had a lot of fellow SF'ers teasing that a new feature was coming, very well worth the wait
  12. Teleport + Alch together is not supported, only teleporting alone and alching alone (and stun-alching ofc), but I will consider this, just please be careful because teleporting in general is one of the riskiest methods to bot (generally speaking) and from what I've noticed. Bankstanders are the best, it's best to cast spells at the bank safely while blending in rather than being out in public and open to people talking to you/reporting etc. I am always for adding new features though so this will be on the future updates list
  13. Done enjoy, please bot responsibly Also guys, we've been doing a lot of coding and updates recently for this. Have a whole doc file of To-do/feature requests/suggestions which are being tackled systematically, you should notice a lot more version changes automatically.
  14. Authed you both, enjoy! Lemme know if you need more trial time. For ban rates it's totally dependent on where you bot. Avoid lumbridge/al-kharid like the plague, and f2p varrock east/west too. With p2p you should be more than fine, and I recommend Zeah all the way. I don't usually bot without breaks nowadays but if I were to bot without breaks I'd definitely choose zeah since it's not populated and is super safe.
  15. @ProjectPact's script factory will do everything basically, literally triggered all of us oldschool scripters Aside from that, the better question to be asking is which methods are lowest ban rate and not which skills/scripts
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    That is insane Keep it up dude hopefully my new main gets there too xD
  17. Sand buckets are supported yes but it requires some extra setup, you need to select which rocks to mine when the script prompts it, aside from that you can either choose to cast humidify and re-fill the waterskins, or un-note waterskins at bandit store (Note: the bandit store method has only been tested by a handful of users).
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