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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Yes, we are releasing one more feature on this bot then it'll be available. The feature is logic-based, revolving around getting more points per game.
  2. Czar


    Welcome back ^^ Please bot responsibly, nowadays jagex is banning a bit more than back in the day
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Authed gl, have fun guys
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Legend! Also done activated trial Big emphasis on breaks, high intensity scripts need a different style of breaks as opposed to low intensity scripts like fishing or something.
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Any time. Please bot responsibly, remember it's all in the breaks. Hopefully I'll reach 60 today, just woke up and no bans
  6. Hey there, done authed enjoy! Please remember to use breaks
  7. Breaks are in top-right of the client -> clock icon -> With the bot you can select your own break tile via the hotkeys, so setup bot -> choose custom break tile -> in game you hit F5 and it'll select current tile as break tile, then save. The bot will then walk to that tile before breaks trigger ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done gave trial gl! Some progress for the past couple days on a new alt/tester of mine:
  9. Gave you a trial so you can see if you like it. Yes both humidify and bandit un-noting supported for sandstones, however the configuration is different, you gotta select custom rocks.
  10. Done enabled trial have fun
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Authed trial for thiever AIO and pest control, good luck sir
  12. All trials added enjoy. Working on some more updates for v280.0 coming up.
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    This is a bit strange, have you done any previous botting, have you used proxies, multilogged when botting, used vpn? Aside from that I would highly recommend using mirror client it's a night and day difference with bans, other than that I recommend using more breaks then. I usually do 2 hr botting sessions and 2.5 hr break sessions at ardy knights (lured in ardy bank) and easily got 85 thieving there
  14. @PKVUpdate went live, let me know how it works now If you have any other suggestions or features lemme know. Huge shoutout to @Token for being a beast as usual
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Gave free trial enjoy!
  16. Gave you free trial gl sir please bot responsibly take breaks as usual GE Restocking is planned but nothing coded just yet for this one. My next target for this bot is souls/bloods/wraths!
  17. My fault sorry the name was changed too I think, it's now Clay Forge and the bot was looking for [Furnace]. Just submitted one final update for v47, it should go live within a couple hours. I double-checked everything it's working better. So sorry about this, I've also authed you a couple other bots of mine so you don't miss out on any botting.
  18. Hello there, thanks for the feedback I'll make some changes in the upcoming patch. It sounds like you're running in resized/higher resolution, I'll also let the devs know about this (especially the logout button since this is client-sided). I highly recommend running in normal/fixed resolution for a better botting experience. With that being said, we will make sure it works better. I may be able to hotfix the chat thingy straight away so that's also good news. The drop method was supposed to be randomised but I'll take another look at it, and I'll also be adding a new option called Shuffle so it just picks one randomly out of the list, to help with ban prevention ^^
  19. No problem, activated again gl sir
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Good luck sir, enjoy! Please be sure to take breaks, bot responsibly
  21. Good find, the coordinates needed updating for Neitiznot Furnace I think the other coordinates are fine, I highly recommend Edgeville for the time being, seeing some insane luck there recently especially on my f2p gold ring farmers Just submitted v46.0 you should automatically see this update within a couple hours ^^ This version has the updated coordinates for Neitiznot, everything working better in this one.
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