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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I'll keep a close eye on it @frynk. I think the only way to replicate is for me to start training slayer with cannon more often, I do think you're correct about the cannon double firing. Stay tuned for the upcoming update. @9tails96 We need a lot of testers for various plugins, feel free to help us ^^ Disclaimer: for users who do not own the bot, and wish to purchase this bot for its beta tests, DO NOT purchase the bot for testing new features, it is not allowed.
  2. Done gl sir Please bot responsibly
  3. It is best to use the [Ring of life] option, or at least the [Emergency teleport] option, and you will never die in abyss. New Update (v165.0) - Deathwalk system improved - Dying: either log out/stop bot or continue (if selected deathwalk option) - Added some improvements to Abyss runecrafting - Now teles out if the client doesn't detect objects/stops being responsive (mirror only) during the abyss. -- Also world hops to refresh mirror (optional) Will be doing final test runs then submitting update. Big shoutout to @vickershd for this one! EDIT: Update delayed for some more hours, had to do some re-write for the map area so it has more fail-safes with mirror.
  4. Hey there I'll investigate this @vickershd and you 100% had this option [Death-walk] enabled or not enabled? If so I can potentially know the cause and post a patch ASAP. And is the bot eating to full hp for you? e.g. the default is set to 50%, or is it set to 100% and it's not eating to full hp? I'll also give this a look. And the abyss standing still, can I recommend using the Dev Build, they added improvements for mirror and object/entity detection. If not using mirror then ignore. Either way I'm heading over there now and will make sure it works exactly the way you want it to ^^
  5. Make sure to use breaks, just hit 80 mining today on my noob account. If you bot responsibly you'll easily get 99 ^^
  6. Not yet, but soonTM @0wne2dk1llI will dm you when it gets added!
  7. Hello Glad to hear, enjoy sir, gave you a couple other trials too glgl
  8. Gave trial enjoy! Please bot responsibly, be sure to take breaks and you'll get that 99 in no time
  9. No no please. I'll be adding a safety patch for that one and continue digging for any other vulnerabilities for the upcoming update. Also how're you finding the bot? If you want any changes/modifications lemme know, I'll add them for the update. Anything, speed/delays/behaviours you name it.
  10. @bob247 So I found out what could have been the issue with banking from earlier before, is there any chance we selected (Talisman) instead of (Tiara) at any moment in time?
  11. It should be dependent on the trade delay, 4s is more for multiple workers, I think 8-10 is better for single acc. Also you got the banking sequence to work? I am doing some stress-testing just to make it fail
  12. Thanks, I'll add some more patches just to make sure every option is compatible, I was trying the stamina effect instead of stamina %, I'll update you on what happens!
  13. @bob247 I think I have found the issue, did you enable this option: [Sip to 100% energy]? Please confirm. If not, dw about it
  14. I'll take a look at this, my best guess is that the cannon is double firing and it's counting the hits/cballs as 1 hit (when it should be 2-3 each), we can't really detect multiple cannonfire shots but I will think of a creative way to handle it. And what is your reaction timer on mirror, is it 100ms or 1000ms (top-left, green text)? If possible do you mind sharing which cannon loc so I can reproduce this issue and fix. And does an alternative value (15-20) instead of 30 cannonballs do any better?
  15. Thank you this is what I really needed. I'll use the same options, and post a patch today ASAP.
  16. Can confirm life is better with vet rank
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Addressing on disc atm, posted in scripter dev chat too (mirror) just to explore some options
  18. I don't think so, isn't that more related to crafting?
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