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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done enjoy! Please use breaks for best results
  2. Fixed @hillamo it should be available in v149.0 today. It is my fault, yesterday's CLI update may have turned off the code for it, just patched it. My apologies, I have authed you a couple bots so you don't miss out on any botting while we wait.
  3. Just posted a patch, the script will now take the boat selected in GUI. For some reason it kept taking the small (40) boat all the time. It is my fault sorry, I may have accidentally left that code in while coding yesterday's new CLI update. It should now be back to normal where it goes to the boat you selected (either 40, 70, 100). Patch v65.0 will auto-update within a couple hours, enjoy!
  4. Done gl my friend, my sincere apologies^^
  5. Funnily enough I just started botting there I think it does the fishing xp only. Should I add hunter/cooking there too?
  6. Gl my friend, I'm always available if you need any recommendations/advice
  7. Yes gl mate enjoy Lemme know if you need any advice on bans I'm always happy to help. Try to take breaks, roughly every 2-3 matches for best results.
  8. VPS for botting - yes it's good, just don't use vpn
  9. Fixed via discord, gl my friend
  10. Nop but it's good for runite mining, f2p mining and especially amethysts But aside from that I highly recommend using the motherlode mine bot here https://osbot.org/forum/topic/75171-perfect-motherlode-miner/
  11. vpn = no good in botting, always seen quick bans from people who use them
  12. I am glad to hear! Lemme know if you would like other tweaks/changes/updates, I'm more than happy to post new updates
  13. Update is now live as of a couple mins ago. Shout out to Token for being a beast as usual! Lemme know if you would like me to adjust the delays, or the speed, or when the mouse gets triggered.
  14. Refreshed, there was an error, just messaged staff we should see a fix shortly
  15. I'm gunna work my ass off to make sure it's 100% perfect for you guys. I won't let you down!
  16. Yeah my apologies guys, I totally misunderstood the whole thing. I thought there was an actual issue where the bot kept trying to hover tree stumps (in effort to incorrectly woodcut again from a tree stump) but nope. So the actual problem is: after clicking tree, the mouse just stays there (aka still hovers), and you guys don't want it to stay there, instead move around like a human does. I just submitted an update a couple mins ago so it moves the mouse outside the screen shout out to @tom20219793 @Zoebriman for the help. I had framed this as a problem with the bot doing extra actions instead of a bot behavioural thing ^^ New version will auto-update within a couple hours for v87.0, should be the final update for the mouse system
  17. I'll check it out, I hope there isn't an error with cakes turning into piece of cake etc. Any errors in the console logs btw? I can help @oOElitezOo
  18. Yes I will work on adding varrock teletab support, good suggestion! Trials added enjoy! Also just got this sweet proggy, going for 99. May try double nats soon
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