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Everything posted by Czar

  1. For mirror mode it's another problem, we gotta set the reaction time to 100ms (default is 1000ms) which is far too slow. Sadly this affects every script but it's not really a problem, it's just the way the client is designed to protect memory usage ^^ Think of that option like ping/latency in gaming for example, it takes 1000ms (1 second) to realise the tree has been cut. Solution is top-right of client (click cogs button, 4th option down): turn off recommended settings, slide to 100 and it should be optimised. With that being said, we scripters have the option to automatically set this to 100ms (if the [allow script override] button is enabled), which is what I'll do in v86.0 shortly. Update coming up. in the meantime while we wait, please tell me how it goes I'm eager to know I'll be here to help always. I personally always set it to 100ms when using mirror, unless I wanna afk.
  2. Czar

    Hai c:

    Welcome! Good luck on the journey, be sure to join the osbot discord
  3. - 77+ runecrafting - 73 agility - 100% arceuus favour - Clean history (no bans) All ready for blood runecrafting. Account's rc levels can range from 77-90. Will have random low stats like wc/mining etc. and one 91 rcer with all pouches also for sale.
  4. Thanks!! You are very kind
  5. Czar

    Goodbye all.

    Indeed nobody does technically quit osrs, just an extended break Jokes aside, gl on future and may it be a productive journey
  6. Yes it only takes a couple mins to turn gp into osbot credit via a voucher here https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/
  7. Enjoy! Please just bot responsibly try not to get banned, some scripts are high risk so you gotta take more frequent breaks. And they are active for an extended time, I think like a week or so, just in case. The wc update is still pending just checked it a couple mins ago, needs to be v85.0. Any moment now ^^ We are gunna make sure the hovering is perfect
  8. Yup already submitted just waiting now until it auto-updates ^^ Version should say v85.0, updates usually take couple hours but it's automatic. I doubled the entire delay it should no longer hover sometimes. Authed you couple bots while we wait so you don't miss out on any botting
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Just sliding this mammoth proggy here
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trial it should now be in your client, glglgl
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hey there, thanks appreciate it! I have a really good break setup but cannot exactly share publicly. I've been getting a lot of easy 99s lately with this setup XD
  12. I just caught it hovering tree again randomly, lemme make some more tweaking/adjusting for the delays. C1D1 I added a small update for anti-ban if you don't like it I'll remove it ^^ Will post another update shortly I recommend using C1D1 mainly for normal trees, or any tree that isn't multi-cut (e.g. oak trees which have multiple logs cut per tree)
  13. Alternatively if you don't want to make a custom break manager, you can simply tell the bot to go to an area before breaks are triggered by using this method that based pat improved recently: getBot().getTimeUntilNextBreak() this will tell you the time (in seconds now) until breaks will trigger. So if getBot().getTimeUntilNextBreak() < 20, walk to bank or walk to a safe area.
  14. I have just noticed this too, I'll make sure it works way better. Doing a full prayer test run at Vyrewatch sentinels atm ^^
  15. You need to have shift drop enabled @tom20219793 as for hovering tree, I just noticed this too, I think something changed in a recent update, I'll edit the delays to stop it hovering again EDIT: Just submitted patch v84.0, it will auto-update within a couple hours. Code affected: c1d1 dropping code now works for everyone (was random for some reason) and no longer hovers trees, looks more natural in this update. You should also notice more humanlike behaviours Shoutout to tom for this update!
  16. Low ban rate especially for bankstanding (such as making dragonhide bodies), authed a trial gl sir
  17. New update for improving the speed of runite bars is almost done
  18. Good find, I'll update the thread to 8.99 my apologies! Authed extended trial glglgl
  19. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done you now have the script, enjoy!!
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    You have the script, glglgl
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